Pegasi Association of writers, poets and artists
English Anthology
Antologji Poetike"KORSI E HAPUR" 1
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   “Pegasi” 1998-2008




Autorė tė  Lidhjes sė Krijuesve “PEGASI” ALBANIA dhe tė tjerė


Nė gjuhėt shqip, anglisht, italisht, greqisht, frėngjisht, spanjisht, gjermanisht, rusisht, rumanisht, arabisht, kinezēe, serbisht,


U pėrgatit kjo antologji nga Aleksandra Shabani W.P.S, Dritan Kardhashi nėn kujdesin  e Presidentit tė Lidhjes sė Krijuesve ‘PEGASI” Albania, Kristaq F. Shabani me qendėr nė Gjirokastėr dhe Zv/Presidentit Agron Shele.

Mundėsoi botimin e kėsaj Antologjie Drejtori i Fondacionit “PROHELVETIA” z. Kastriot Korro


Hyrėsi nė “Korsi e hapur” nw dhjetwvjetotin e Lidhjes sw Krijuesve “PEGASI” ALBANIA


*  *   *

S’kishte si tė ndodhte ndryshe, vetėm kėshtu. Njė punė pasionante 10 vjeēare do tė nxirrte shkėlqimin e diejve tė vegjėl duke i bashkuar nė njė tėrėsi ndriēuese nė njė pėrvjetor spikatės. Njė paramendim i organizuar dhe i synuar prej kohėsh, njė konkretizim praktik i lajtmotivit ”Njė Letėrsi ndryshe”. Dalja e numrit 2  tė Antologjisė “Korsi e hapur” shpreh parasėgjithash epėrsinė e lidhjeve tė krijuesve me nivel bashkohor, tė cilėt kėrkojnė shfaqin  haptas nivelin e arritur, tė realizojnė shkėmbimin universal tė vlerave nė njė konkurrim dinjitoz nė njė lidhėsi tė ngushtė midis autorėve shqiptarė dhe atyre miq nga Bota. Nuk ėshtė shfaqur kurrė njė komunitet kaq harmonik, i lidhur dhe qė vepron me njė pavarėsi e plot etikė edhe kaq efikas. Nėpėrmjet shkėmbimit real tė vlerės, nėpwrmjet konkurrimit nė konkurse respektive, pjesėmarrjes aktive nė nivele shumė tė larta tė organizmave vepruese tė krijuesve sot nė botė ėshtė arritur deri kėtu. Njė zbėrthim analitik i dy botimeve tona del nė pėrfundim se pasioni, vullneti, vlerėsimi i vlerave tė gjithsecilit nė kėtė akt, ėshtė domethėnės, pėrcaktues i ecjes nė kahje pozitiviteti dhe progresi. Fitimi i mjaft ēmimeve nė disa konkurse letrare ka rritur jo vetėm nivelin e pėrfaqėsimit, por ėshtė arritur qė sot shumė autorė tanė tė njihen, tė respektohen pėr potencėn e krijimit, pėr natyralitetin dhe individualitetin krijues. Shumė poetė tė nivelit tė lartė deri nė konkurrentė pėr ēmimin e madh “NOBEL” kanė shprehur qartazi dhe shumė ēiltėr vlerwsimin pwr  nivelin e krijuesve tanė, tė cilėt i konsiderojnė tė spikatur si dhe vlerėsojnė poezinė tonė tė plurimendimit, ku vetė Lidhja e Krijuesve “PEGASI” e ka zanafillėn nė kėtė periudhė ndryshesash. Arritja deri kwtu vwrteton paraswgjithash rrugwn e ndwrmarrw nw hapwsirwn qw lejon demokratizmi i njw shoqwrie prudhuese tw vlerws. Duhet evidentuar dhe njw anw tjetwr domethwnwse esenciale se shumw poetw e shkrimtarw tw botws duan qw krijimet e tyre t’i pwrkthejnw nw gjuhwn e vjetwr shqipe. Kjo na krenon dhe na lumturon pa masw. Gjeografia e hapwsirws poetike gjithmonw po zgjerohet dhe po trimfon.



Risia dhe magjia e pėrkthimit


Nga Kristaq F. Shabani, shkrimtar, poet

Kryetar i Lidhjes sė Krijuesve “PEGASI“ me qendėr nė Gjirokastėr, Albania


Tė pėrkthesh do tė thotė tė ndėrmarrėsh njė akt sa dinamik aq dhe tė menduar mirė; tė transmetosh me origjinalitet e me finesė artistike, freski leksikore nga njė gjuhė nė gjuhėn tjetėr dhe tė pėrmbushėsh njė mision interesant: vepra e pėrkthyer tė shndritė nė tė gjitha ngjyrimet e saj si nė gjuhėn qė ėshtė shkruar. Por pėr tė realizuar kėtė “konturim“  kėrkohet njė thellėsi e madhe nė njohjen e gjuhės qė pėrkthen si dhe  lulėzimi i spikatur nė tė gjithė ”kurorėn“ pėrkthyese pėr tė realizuar shpėrthimin e tė gjitha “bisqeve” tė pėrkthimit.

Pėrkthyesi e realizon natyrshėm dhe bindshėm kėtė ”aksion letrar tė ndėrmarrė, nė rast se nė njė vepėr projekton dhe arkitekturon gjithė relievin e veprės. Parasėgjithash ai qė ndėrmerr njė akt tė tillė me shumė ”skena“ duhet tė zotėrojė bukurinė fjalore dhe sensin e saj tė tė shprehurit qartėsisht me efekt emocional transmetues.  Vetė shkėmbimi i vlerave universale kėrkon qė ”produktet“ e krijuara nga njė gjuhė  tė transmetohen qartėsisht tek gjuha tjetėr dhe tek ajo gjuhė qė sot lot rol  “e pėrbotshme“. Nė kėtė aspekt edhe Lidhja e Krijuesve ”Pegasi“ Albania Gjirokastėr, ka ndėrmarrė hapa tė tilla nė sferėn e pėrkthimit duke realizuar pėrkthime tė standartizuara dhe tė konfiguruara  e duke ruajtur tejet origjinalitetin. Kjo ndėrmarrje ėshtė realizuar mė qartėsisht  nė lidhje me gjuhėn greke dhe italiane, por hapa tė forta, tė cilat realizojnė njohėshmėrinė ėshtė procesi i pėrkthimit nė gjuhėn angleze qė ėshtė njė nga pikėsynimet kryesore tė Lidhjes sonė. I rėndėsishwm ka qenė pėrkthimi nga gjuhėt e tjera e kryesisht nga gjuha angleze nė gjuhėn shqipe tė mjaft poetėve dhe shkrimtarėve tė njohur sot nė Letėrsinė Botėrore. Duhet thėnė se nė kėtė drejtim nė Shqipėri po vijon tradita e tė pėrkthyerit me  nivel tė lartė tė veprave tė shkrimtarėve dhe poetėve mė me zė, pasi vijojnė veprimtarinė etyre shumė pėrkthyes tė sprovuar, tė cilėt kanė formuar njė elitė pėrkthyese, sidomos pėr gjuhėt: anglisht, frėngjisht, spanjisht, italisht, greqisht e tjerė.  Po kėshtu ėshtė formuar tashmė dhe njė grupim i aftė i pėrkthyesve tė rinj, tė cilėt kanė demonstruar aftėsitė e tyre. Shumė pėrkthyes kanė pėrfunduar studimet e tyre jashtė vendit nė vende perėndimore, kanė pasur kontakte me Botėn dhe ia dinė ”hiletė“ pėrkthimit. Madje duhet thėnė se pėr shumė vepra ka dhe garim, ku pėrkthyesit  konkurrojnė bindshėm dhe kanė sjellė te lexuesi shqipar njohje, substrate, ekstrate tė reja nė fushėn letrare. Si rrjedhojė e hapjes sė madhe tė Shqipėrisė pas viteve‚’90 nė Shqipėri kanė ardhur edhe mjaft intelektualė nga vend e me rol tė madh nė letėrsinė botėrore dhe si rrjedhojė ata, duke u njohur bindshėm me  gjuhėn dhe letėrsinė shqipe, kanė arrirur qė tė japin ndihmesė nė konsulencėn pėr tė realizuar pėrkthime me nivel tė lartė. Pra i sukseshėm ėshtė edhe pėrkthimi i veprave tė letėrsisė shqiptare e sidomos tė shkrimtarit tė madh e tė shquar shqiptar Ismail Kadare, i cili ėshtė me origjinė nga vendi qė ka qendrėn Lidhja e Krijuesve “PEGASI“ . Ne kemi pėrkthyes shumė potencialė si Andon Papleka, Sazan Gjomema, Shaun Thompson, Andrea Gounter, Kosta Gaxhoni, Mirela Dudi, Alqi Beqo, Aleksandra Shabani, Besnik Ismailati, Dritan Kardhashi, Kristo Ndrico, Alejandra Craules Breton (Meksikw), Vasiliki Kalahani dhe Zaharula Gaitanaki (Greqi) e mjaft tė tjerė, tė cilėt pėrkushtohen nė kėtė magji duke dhėnė kontributin nė botimin e mjaft veprave konkurruese nė sferėn pėrkthyese. Gazeta dhe revista jonė periodike letrare “Pegasi“ po jep njė kontribut tė madh nė “pėrkthimin shqip“, Po kėshtu lidhėsitė me simotrat tona nė botė janė frytėzim i bukur dhe i shėrbejnė kėtij akti.

Vijimi i kėtij procesi ėshtė i pandalshėm. Mania pozitive pėr njohje ėshtė njė dukuri e prekshme dhe e pandalshme. Kjo realizon atė qė, krijuesit e tė gjitha vendeve njohin vlerat e tyre dhe t’i shkėmbejnė ato dhe kjo krijon atė shkėmbim vlerash universale, i cili tė ngroh dhe tė bėn tė flasėsh me njė “gjuhė“ tė kuptueshme. Ky proces i filluar qyshkur do tė vijojė tė eci pandalėsisht.



Innovation and the magic of translating

By Nga Kristaq F. Shabani, writer, poet

Head of the writers Association “PEGASI“ with its headquarters in Gjirokastėr, Albania


Translating means to undertake a dynamic and well considered task; to transmit with originality and artistic finesse(delicacy), lexical freshness from a language to another and to accomplish an interesting mission: the translated work to shine in all its colors as in the language it originates. But in order to achieve this “outlining“ it is needed an extended and deep knowledge of the language you are translating from as well the striking flowrishment in all the translating “garland“ in order to reach the explosion of the “stright young twigs“ of the translation.

The translator accomplishes naturally and obidiently “this undertaken literary action“, if he projects and designs all the relief of the literary work. Before all, he, who undertakes such an act with many “scenes“, must master the beauty of the words and its sense of clear expression and transmiting emotional sense. The exchange of the universal values demands that the “created products“ from a language to be transmited clearly into the other and the language that plays a leading role in the today’s world. In this aspect the writers’ Association “PEGASI“ Gjirokaster has taken such steps in the field of translation by acomplishing standardized and confirmed translatons has tried to be as loyal as possible to the original literary work.

This undertaking is accomplished mainly from Greek and Italian language, but bold steps, are taken in the process of the translation in the English language, which is one of the main goals of our association. Significant has been the translation from other languages, mainly form English, into Albanian language of many writers and poets distinguished in the World Literature nowadays. We should say that in that direction, in Albania, the tradition of translating the works of the most distinguished writers and poets keeps going continously with a higher standard, where the elite of the skillfull translators continue their translating activity mainly in languages like: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Greek etc.

It has already taken shape a comunity of new and skillfull translators, who have boldly demonstrated their abilities in ther field of translating. Many of these translators have completed their studies abroad in the western countries, being in constant contact with the outer world and possess an extended comprehension towards the“tricks“ of translating. It could be said that there exists a competition in many works, where the  translators compete assuringly and they have brought before the Albanian reader new acknowledgements, substracts, extracts in the literary field. As a result of the great opening of the country after the 1990, in Albania have come many intelectuals with a reputation in te field of letters worlwide, and by becoming familiar with the Albanian Language and Literature, they have given their assistence in consulation for making translations of the highest standard. Successful has been the translation of the Albanian literary works, especially those of the distinguished Albanian writer Ismail Kadare, whose place of origine is the town where the headquarters of Writers’ Association “PEGASI“ are located. We have many potencial translators such as Andon Papleka, Aleksandra Shabani,  Sazan Gjomema, Shaun Thompson, Kosta Gaxhoni, Mirela Dudi,Dritan Kardhashi, Riza Lahi, Alqi.Beqo, Besnik Ismailati, Murat Memallaj, Ligor Shyti, Kristo Ndrico, Alejandra Craules Breton(Meksikw), Vassiliki Kalahani, Zaharula Gaitanaki(Greqi) ELEFTHERIOS PHOTIOU and many others, who dedicate themselves to this magic by giving their contribution in the edition of many competitive works in the translatin sphere. Or periodical newspaper and magazine “PEGASI“ are contributing extensively in the “translation in Albanian“, as well the connections with our counterparts worlwide are a great inspiration and serve this magic art.

The continuance of this process is unhaltable. The positive mania for knowledge is a tangable and continuous phenomenon. It aims at achieving the idea that  the authors of all the countries know their values and simultanously swap it. It creates the exchange of universal values, encouraging and making them speak an understanding “language“.This process has started long time ago and will continue unceasingly.




Morėm kėtė nismė pėr shkėmbim universal vlerash nė fushėn e madhe tė Poetikės                                                                  

Poetėt janė tė parėt qė krijojnė vėllazėrim, lidhje dhe tregojnė



“Sono sicuro che cuesto scambio culturale sara’ proficuo sia per “Pegasi” sia per “Pomezia- Notizie”, ma, in particolare, per tutti noi, perche’ non c’e mezzo migliore, per affratellare i  Popoli, della poezia e della cultura”.

                                 Cordiali saluti

                        Directore  Domenico Defelice, scrittore POMEZIA – NOTIZIA ROMA, ITALI

*  *   *


Έχουμε αναλάβει αυτήν την πρωτοβουλία για ανταλλαγή παγκόσμιων αξιών στο μεγάλο πεδίο της ΠΟΙΗΤΙΚΗΣ


… Οι ποιητές  είναι οι πρώτοι που συνδέουν και αδελφοποιούν και δείχνουν το ΜΕΓΑΛΟ ΜΕΛΛΟΝ ΤΩΝ ΑΓΓΕΛΩΝ.



Maggio 2007

Letti per voi

di Maria Antonietta Mņsele

Sono giunte le sillogi poetiche di due Autori albanesi, tradotte in inglese. Esse sono: “Unlucky seeking kismet”

(=“ In cerca di un destino infelice” Editrice Mokra- Tirana, 2007, pagg.32.E1,00) di Petro Dudi, tradotto da Riza Lahi; e “A seat in heavens”(=”Un posto inParadiso nei Cieli”: Marin

Barleti House Editore 2005, page 24) di Kristaq F. Shabani, con la traduzione di Eleftherios Photiu. In primo parla dei tanti problemi che afffliggono chi e’ constretto ad emigrare in

un Paese straniero:crisi di identita’ (Il mio nome e’ dimenticato”) difficolta di inserimento e di adattamento (“gioca con la morte, bravuomo”) nostalgia di

quanto lasciato e di lasciato ed I quante persone care lasciate, insicurezza per il futuro (:sulla tomba, in fuga”). Ho scelto la prima lirica, omonima al titolo: “Poem / Again, I am on paths Unlucky seeking kismet (luck)


Again, I am on paths./A voice is calling /It’s the brain’s cupola resounding: /Hi, cladenstine, what’ s the generation that you belong

to? /Where you are coming from, my friend? /Where you are heading to now?… Maybe is a phantom /Maybe is just “the devil” / I know nothing

about it /What is that/ Whispering often and as often/ chaffing: /I don’t appreciate the intestines’ s song /I feel sad by sorrow’ s

song /This traveler’s song shakes me up, but /My soul prefers it extremely /I like my heart to be joyful I like the life to be frolic I/ I like, to…/And this song…

/The song of /Abandoned traveller. Che, nella transposizione italiana, dice: “Poesia Ancora sono sul sentiero. Una voce sta chiamando e’ il fucile che risuona: Ehi, tu , clandestino, di che nazionalita’ sei? Forse sei un fantasma. Forse sei “il diavolo” in persona. Non so proprio cosa stia bisbigliando Non apprezzo il canto di questi cittadini Sono rattristato dal canto del dolore Questo canto di viaggiatore mi sconvolge, ma La mia anima lo preferisce. Mi piace che il mio cuare sia gioiso mi piace che la mia

vita sia ono scherzo Mi piace… E questa canzone… La mia canzone del viaggiatore abbandonato”.

* * Il secondo libriccino e’ dedicato all’ex Presidente degli stati Uniti d’America, Bill Clinton, che, scherzosamente, il Poeta in un primo momento, fa sentire potente come Giove, o in Paradiso come un angelo. Ma poi, sopraggiunta la grande crisi americana, Clinton, viso vecchio, pieno di rughe, e si

preoccupa. Nell’ultima poesia “Blic” c’e’ la ripresa di Clintonparallela alla ripresa degli Stati Uniti – che vorrebbe eseere alla ripresa degli Stati

Unioti- che vorrebbe essere sempre lui il Presidente, ma teme i rivali piu’ giovani.

The map blows out suddenly,/something like smoke rises/ climbing on Heaven’s walls./ The President is looking at his face/ that is recovering./

“What it should be? Was he cracked?!…/Or something mysterious…?”/The Complaint is raising/ Headquarters in Heaven…/

The World plays hide - and – seek with itself./From its womb new creatures are born,…/ Who, among them, will be



Che , in italiano, risulta cosi: “Improvvisamente il mappamondo vola via,/ a volte si alza come il fumo/ arrampicandosi sulle pareti

del Paradiso./ Il presidente si guarda il volto che si sta riprendendo. Cos’e’ questa

faccia? E’ stata percossa?!… O e’ qualcosa di misterioso…? Il lamento si imalza fino ai quartieri del Paradiso… Il mondo gioca a nascondino

con se stesso. Dal suo grembo nuove creature sono nate… Chi, fa loro sara’ il GIOVE del Domani?…







Personal Information

Name:              KRISTAQ

Father:             FORI

Surname:       SHABANI

Date of birth:   25.06.1949

Place of birth:  Lliar, Zagori, Gjirokastėr

Living place:   Gjirokastėr (lagjja “18 Shtatori”Pallati 87/4)

Family origin: Intellectual.  Father, Fori, University degree; graduated abroad, in Greece; Grandfather Athanas Shabani, University degree, American, Canadian, Greek citizenship. He lived in Canada and NEW YORK (SHBA) for 60 years.

Profession: Teacher.

Actual position: profesionist writer. Member of the Albanian writers and artists’ Association, honoured member and member of the  International writers Association IWA with headquarters in  Ohio USA, honoured member of the writers and poets’ Association “Xasteron - Zaloni” Athinė, Greece.

Foreign Languages: Perfect knowledge of Greek, Italian; Good knowledge of Russian.

From 1995 in progress he is a journalist of the “Euroelliniki” newspaper.


High school degree

University degree, faculty of Languages & Literature

The academy of Land Forces (multi-machines), Tiranė

University “Luigj Gurakuqi” Shkodra, Faculty of History & Geography

Several training courses in the literary, publicity and military fields

Literary experience:

Defined by others:

I. Poetic works:

“The pulse of pain”

“Turn around to Pomona”

“A seat in Heavens”

“The Oasis”

“Yellow strips”

“The breathing of the man”

“The Shining Medallion”

“The Trinomial f the Twittering”

“The fifth Season”

“I light the lips of Time”

“The inborned Asthma”

“Eol, I pray to you”

“The Splendour f the Cross”

“I am a note on the Pentagram”

“Elegy of the Angel”

“Are gods mortal”

“The swarthy Girl with a Chingon”

“The Broken Virtue”

“Mortal Epigram and the dancing of the Dream”

“Autumn’s Joy”

“Two Possessives”


II. Prose:

“The Subject of the Fatal” Novel

“The freed Prophet” Sketches & Stories

“The asphyxia of Ruiners”

“The Brides’ Meadow”

“Reflex in the Waterfall” (Self Anthology) 1, 2 for children

“Sara” Novel for children

“Kejda” Novel for children

“ Villas of the Formations”  (The Braid of the Summer)  Novel

“The colored Fainting” Novel


III. Publicistique:



“The Itenerary of the magic”

“Jorgo Boukas”

“Spiritual connection”

“The magic of the queen Chestnut”

“The reporter”

“The pearl”

“Intellect 2001”

“Intellect 2002”


IV. Comedy


“The yellow worm - spider”

“The rotten night”


V. Literary criticism


“The blue lane” critique, recence, analytics

“The Wind of the Shunning” Analitycs

“The lie with the Ring”  Diagram

“Horoscope based on the Stars of Knowledge” Essay

“ There where the Swallows pay their Homages”


VI. Translations


         1.“The galloping of the blue horse” writen by Panajota Hristopulu Zalone

         2.(Peace.... I am afraid)


VII.  Included in the Anthology “With the flame of creation” Xasteoron – Zalone” Greece.

His creations are included in many literary Anthologies and Almanachs in the world. His poetries, especially those taken from his book “A seat in Heavens” are published in the “Keleno” periodical magazine, “Pensa aqui” Brasil, “Pomecia Notizie” Italy and many other magazines throughout the world. During all this time he has published in the periodical literary press in Albania from the year 1974 in the magazines “Ylli”, “Nentori”, “10 Korriku”, “Shqiptarja e re”, as well in the newspapers “Drita”, “Zeri i rinise”, “Mesuesi”, “Bashkimi”, “Zeri i popullit”, “Pararoja”, “Java” etc.


VIII. Chief of the newspapers “Pegasi” edition of the Writers’ Association “Pegasi” and the magazine “Pegasi” 2007,  newspapers “Intelekt 2001”, “Ēilter”(edition of the coordinative council of the civil society of the southern territories); newspapers “Sheperi”, “Lliari”, Labove e Kryqit”, “Nivani”, “Katundishta”, “Zheji”, “Doshnica”, “Falim dhe shpresojme”, si dhe “Reza Prolog” etc.


IX. Kristaq is the iniciator of the “Pegasi” movement for a  transformed Literature and a Universal exchenge of Values”. He has taken part in some national and  International literary activities. Winner of many International prices. Editor of a thousand literary works in Albania in every literary genres, as well motivator of the translation of the Albanian Literature in many foreign languages. Ideator and organisator of the national and international literary activities. “Pegasi” has its baranches in the whole suoth of Albania as well in Athens, Greece, Kosovo and the whole world. In the “Pegasi” newspaper are propagated in Albanian Language and other languages nearly 300 poets from the world from the translators Kosta Gaxhoni, Aleksandra Shabani, Mirela Dudi etc. The 32nd edition of the newspaper “ Pegasi” is translated in seven languages of the world. 
















This poem was translated from the 1998 Greek edition of the “THAMIRIS” Publishing House, Athens, Greece


 “MARIN BARLETI” Publishing House, TIRANE, Albania,2005

Tel/Fax: 00355 42 40106


      “THE ZEUS”

    In re election in the mirror beholds:

    The mirror makes him an angel.



    “The president” laughs,

     the mirror is al tered suddenly

     into a world’s map;

     A few wrinkles on the forehead appear

     And by the hand take the concern of growing old.




     Sullen grows “The President”,…

     A few hollows observes on the face,

     And trembles:

     Some where the owl

         is singing mournfully…

     In the world’s map

       the cones of volcano

       get fire,

      The frontiers quarrel

      The oceans can’t restrain themselves,

      The stars kill

      The Sadams are still keeping seccations of smokes,…

      The Araphats sweat in peace missions,

      The Jeltsins appear and disappear on the Screens,

      From the financial walls the pyramids

                                         are throwing down

      people like wooden dolls.





    From the observation spot,

    The whole world is seen in the palm of the hand,

    At the observation spot the world matches are played:

   “REN” –in diplomatic missions,

   “CHECK…” –at power’s crashing

    “MATES”…- are worked out by the analysts

     of the world’s Whitest House…

    “The President” poses,

    Flashes –are lit with the deep thought:

    The screens will have their “menus” full

    The laugh synopsis of a tangle silence,

    Something is going away into the world’s body

    With its wrinkled appearance:

    The high temperature anger

     Homologues like their colorful Ace,

     You are a traveler in that which is overcalled


 Beware your eyes from greediness

   Beware your eyes from blindness

   A sealed paper takes you up or down…

   The applause originates from the man,

   The hand clapping is turn out like a poster

   You remain with no eyes on you, at midday

   The platform lessons the brown brightness: like a portrait…

   Degradation grinds it like wood - grinders do

   And wood-flour…wood –flour…

   Soloists of the song ”The President’s fall”

   Window’s tears paint the Marble…



                                      On World’s -mirror body:

                                States quarrel for the sea.

                                Scold for the name

                                Seton for the share-out

                See red for the growing old

                States look like quarrel some old men…

                Someone called them pet Babies

                Alive Pinocchio with wooden nose

States built walls

                Systems used to turn the hinds,

                Used to caricature the fight

                At murdering of innocent beings,

                What the States have done,

May never anyone do!…


People are leaving States

Are running on blue tracks between

Death-State and Life-State;

Are leaving the ruined walls

The torn statues

Trees alone, trunk-cut

Midding faces

Like overflowed rivers

And who doesn’t want

The source of water-drinking

and who doesn’t want

the place, where the dream

is Knitted like a spider net                   


who killed man’s dream in its childbed,

who expelled him

and then a nosegay of lime-blossom…

or deceptive leaf of laurel,

have covered the Death’s bony head?



Kristaq F. Shabani


Jemi kontinent tjetėr i pavarur

nga ky qė frymėmarrin



ti linde tė qetėsosh jo vetėm veten,

por dhe tė tjerėt dhe tė tjerat,

linde tė pėrhapėsh njė dritė karakteristike


qė s’e prodhojnė

sa do tė mundohen femrat e tjera,

pasi nė shpirtin tėnd bleron Letėrsia…

Nė banojnė

nė kėtė kontinent,

por jemi kontinent tjetėr i pavarur

nga ky qė frymėmarrin

dhe sistemi i ndriēimit universal

e gjithēka tjetėr

 ėshtė pėrrallor.

 Kemi diellin tonė,

hėnėn tonė

dhe sistemin tonė matės,

pyjet tona tė bleruara

me ėndrra tė paimagjinueshme ;

ne s’kemi dete,

por oqeane shpirti,

ndaj pėrshpirtja ushton

dhe e dėgjojnė vetėm shpirtėrorėt,


po u bien kambanave tė nderimit

e dėgjojnė tė heshtur,

 por emocionalish tempujt qiellorė...

Ne s’kemi nevojė pėr busulla orientimi,

 ia ndjejmė njeri- tjetrit frymėmarrjen:

dhjetra hostenė me diell dhe me hėnė,

ne kemi nevojė pėr njėri – tjetrin,

 siē kemi nevojė pėr frymėmarrjen



We are another Continent, independent

than the one we’re  breathing in…



you gave birth (to a child) so to become peaceful

not only with yourself

but  to give peace to other men and women,

you gave birth (to a child) to deliver a distinguishing light

a flaming white light-

that other women can’t do

as much as they try

because   in your heart Literature lives

like greenness .. .


We live in this Continent

but we’re another, independent (Continent)

than the one we’re breathing in,

and the system of universal light

and whatever else

is like a tale, a myth (to us).

We have our sun,

our moon,

an dour metric system,

our deep – green forests in

unimaginable dreams

we haven’t got seas…

but oceans of soul!

That’s why this memorial service echoes

and only the spiritual people hear it,

the humanists

that ring the bells of respect

they listen silently…

but in deep emotion do the heavenly temples hear…

We have no need for compasses

we feel each other’s breath:

dozens of whips with the sun and the moon

we have the need for each other……………… 

as we certainly have the need for this breath.

Translated into  English by Vassiliki Kalahani




9. Είμαστε άλλη  Ήπειρος” ανεξάρτητη

                    απ’ αυτήν που ανασαίνουμε



εσύ γέννησες να ησυχάσεις όχι μόνον τον

                          εαυτόν σου,

αλλά και τους άλλους και τις άλλες,

γέννησες να διαδόσεις ένα φως χαρακτηριστικό, 


που δεν μπορούν να κάνουν

όσο κι αν προσπαθήσουν άλλες γυναίκες,

γιατί στην ψυχή σου πρασινίζει η Λογοτεχνία,…

Εμείς κατοικούμε

σε τούτη την Ήπειρο,

είμαστε όμως άλλη, ανεξάρτητη

απ’ αυτή που ανασαίνουμε

και το σύστημα του παγκόσμιου φωτισμού

και ότι άλλο

είναι παραμυθένιο.

Έχουμε τον ήλιο μας

το φεγγάρι μας

και το μετρικό μας σύστημα,

τα δάση μας τα καταπράσινα

σε αφάνταστα όνειρα

εμείς δεν έχουμε θάλασσες,

αλλά ωκεανούς ψυχής,

γι αυτό το μνημόσυνο αντηχεί

και το ακούν μόνο οι πνευματικοί,

οι ανθρωπιστές

που χτυπάνε τις καμπάνες του σεβασμού

ακούν σιωπηλά,

αλλά με συγκίνηση οι ουράνιοι ναοί…

Εμείς δεν έχουμε ανάγκη για πυξίδες,

νιώθουμε ο ένας του άλλου την ανάσα:

δεκάδες  βουκέντρια  με ήλιο και φεγγάρι,

έχουμε ανάγκη ο ένας τον άλλον,

όπως έχουμε ανάγκη την ανάσα.

Μετέφρασε από το πρωτότυπο:

                   Κώστας Γκατζώνης.





“Star’s son

              treats offices to have at home

              famines of ruin system;

taxies are driving to and from

promises flowered frock;

the most pumping shoes,

lunches and suppers a thousand tales inside,

in “Hilton” and driving mad Hotels,

Beach walk

and a coming back to the little Dream House,

                              author:  Auyerinos!…

“Where are you, Flirt?…”

                              “Tale killer of Honesty”.

              the sweet cherries: RO…PO…BU…


You may address at Auyerinos old man:

“Crones” street

“S.O.S square”

              if you like, dropping in the evening

to “XPYΣH EYKAIPIA”(Golden chance)

if you like, sleep on a sofa…




“Blossomed buds”

Nine days lived like lanky aquash’s flowers

Eh,…Beauty is a comma far away from

              Slip’s Station!


                  L. UNCOLOURISM


President the Great has ruth to Beauty.

The Puzzle says

              that Beauty by Beauty was taken

              but… the Parabola has changed:

              “In the spaceship the astronaut,

an ugly helper of him, in a galaxy voyage

loved madly…

When, on Earth he landed

his eyes became drab.

What an epigram that immerses you!…

              With a marble stone round her neck

his sweetheart: fell over

the metal bridge and sank”…”

Closed file mysticism.




The world’s map is “ticklish”

                              Shoutings are frantic

              they grasp in the throat squares:

“Die, you squares!

Just throw out your soul

or, shake from rachitic legs, governments…”

              Taxes are grasping from the neck,

the Manlike ghost asks himself in loneliness:

              “Is it better to be a man…?”



Like Virgin Marv’s linen ornaments,

somewhere with little flowers,

somewhere with embroideries,

somewhere ultra sweet cuttings,

somewhere are tightening to show the shape,

somewhere they pierce the pane!!!

   The hut is rising its eye


“Becomes blind,

becomes debased,

scares too much…”.

Sorts out in loneliness a cryptogram!

Lethargy forgets EIFFEL TOWERS       

The Black takes MUMMY’S shape…


…Pyramidal men

are dancing the Foxtrot in a tulips Bar,

meanwhile a Sharon is stripping herself slowly,

with tangled rut - rocking.

Shares the poison,

the Love’s bee is sucking the nectar

in eyebrows - crowns…

Eyes are vibrating,

are staring the poor eyes.

In a fitted body 50 big crowned tulips

are dancing in an evasive dancing,

comes out of dull apathy

and the applause is piercing through the pores:

“Long live the Gold STAIRCASE!”





A beggar shows his maimed leg,

a “Dumb” alien keeps written

on his chest a painful phrase:

“Help me, o you Demos of Money!”…

A blind man with tied eyes plays

the most  trembling melody in the World,

a female creature forebodes the Payment

in the crystal Road…

            I saw the Beggar in the evening

with his intact leg.

The “Dumb” man speaking

dressed up to the nines.

The “Blind” man with his two hot eyes,



the Female creature drawing a lovely pet:

I am reading the reality:

A Arabic phrase!



President the Great sees continuously

the world like an adopted daughter,

comes out of the naughty Step Mother’s frame

and pets Yellow Lands,

with Asian Lions can’t help laughing…

The yellow Billion display itself

in the Greatest Wall:

Bowings to the Emperors.

He drinks tea in a fantastic set,

swims in the yellow Yan Ce

“The boat that was built

with water - masts”…

The hieroglyphs perform concert in octaves.




Into the trough of trust

              the hope must be cooked,

but how, what about the paste?…

The most observing spot of the World

it can’t hide the magnificence of Headquarter

with olive leaves;

a waterfall of reliance pours the thoughts

in a peace bed…

Dare you compare Niagara

with this waterfall?

The decision awaits the “thoughtful eye”…



…He spoils the throne,

he wants to suffocate

the popular outcry

in its birth bed…

But who can suffocate the out cry?

…President the small

requires to act a great madness.

Poles are sweating…+99 C,

jungles are freezing…-99 C.

The backside endures beatings

and pricking.

Taxes are dancing on the

Backbone’s dancing - floor.

Dancing - floors became hot until melting;

are growing flowers of stalactites

and stalagmites.

Antarctica” has its mates!




The map raises the shapes,

the muscles are moving;

The Relief manifests vividly.

In the Geographical Register – offices…

The mind saw its pregnancy!

The morning opens the curtains:

The couple seek the divorce…

The evening is nauseated:

Throws behind the veil,

Variety of kisses are lost

under the multicolored blanket…

SHE: a nurse…HE – Policeman…!

Are playing two roles…

…Not faraway: A car of the latest type

wants to drive uphill and downhill to the path.

Ah, you, minx dream!…

Field - glasses fear…,they turn up - set down.

The fear is ruffled hair…

A kind - hearted snake,

as big as Globe’s perimeter

requires to swallow up the Globe itself.

Like a gentleman

beholds with its green eyes.

”Go away you, o Globe, I’m thriftless for POISON…





The map blows out suddenly,

something like smoke rises

climbing on Heaven’s walls.

              The President is looking at his face

              that is recovering.

“What it should be? Was he cracked?!…

              Or something mysterious…?”

              The Complaint is raising

Headquarters in Heaven…

The World plays hide - and - seek

with itself.

From its womb new creatures

                                              are born,…

Who, among them, will be

                              IT’ S JOVE of TOMORROW?…


Christaki F. Shabani


“Elegy of the Angel”


A memorial service to Panagiotis Kalahanis




Translated into English by Vassiliki Kalahani

                December 2006


    “PEGASI”  Argyrokastro – Albania






 Translated into English by Vassiliki Kalahani

Correction : Aleksandra Shabani                                            

GRAPHIC ART: Elton Galanxhi


This book was prepared under the care of the LITERARY ASSOCIATION “PEGASI”, GJIROKASTER, ALBANIA












*      *       *

The First poetic view

Maybe I know how to say my feelings

in the way they’re expressed

to cast my eyes and in other places

that I can’t see in this terrestrial globe.



1.The eye-lashes

The angel eye-lashes for the Angel

The pasture of the souls…



on the eye lashes of the moon

she sheds her tears sweetly,

for the little, golden cap,

the Angelic one for the Angel,

and the rain of senses falls

upon the merry-merry grass

upon the letters that produce sketches,



on the dreaming calyx of a start,

on fruits that are red and bursting with ripeness,

from the season which in anxiousness

the  human desires are to be fulfilled,

for the devilish future,

where all the sun is solemnly dressed

for athletic exercises to run about’

and the blooming comes and bursts out,

from everywhere within and without

the pasture of the souls…

and the thoughts just start to dance

from the blossoming of the flowers…  




The moon

The queen

The nymphs of  mourning


Oh, my Gad, what cries of poetry

that open the masts of boat.

The stop the fury of the waves in the  Aegean Sea!

The moon sends the missionaries, the holy apostles,

to sit upon the aortia  of the heart

of a queen,

to say something about the heart that has left…

the nymphs of mourning escort her

on this reciting of the soul…

Beyond the tall masts

the islands increase their loneliness…

From an un programmed escape

the waves and the beach

ery for  a body that has drowned…

The sun takes off the cloak of light

and wears the one of Respect…

Can a quickened escape be obstructed?

The Oratory of the soul…

Words have left the nymphs!

The nymphs are now speechless

They are frozen and left

in the moulds of an elegy.


3. A song

with a rythm of revival,

a song full of tears,

with tars that incite…


Oh, escape in a hurry,

for a beautiful off – spring

with a tomorrow like a cypress- tree…

You stayed in temple

that plans the revival of the ones,

that have gone away 

with the rhythm of renaissance.

Song with eye- lashes full of tears

with tears that incite…

the ones that have gone away

are in consideration now

and they have left behind them

words full of marble…

It comes and quickly leaves,

leaving a construction in the vastness of the Sky

and the pictures face divided into similarities…

Two words of retuning

drawn in the odium of the Sky.

A miracle it becomes and it takes the form

of the heavenly bow

and with so many colours…

that turn the horizon into pink

and give birth to intellectuals,

suppliers of continuity,

and the steps of Time and the World

 in seasons of originality become productive,

The tear that incites in the open – views of nature,

that  take your mind,

and the sources of life begin from forgotten planets

to discover something at least.

Other universes are presented

in dreams with signs of hieroglyphs.



4. In a golden cry

and an unheard melody.


How does it happen with angels that have left

that have been taken quickly to villas of Gods,

so to turn them back once and a while

among strange human existences

that kiss me like Gods

and sing like the Gods

in such a melodic voice?!…

How are the Gods to us that have left

turned to a body full of tears

in a marble –like recollection

and a head made of marble…

they look so strangely

with eyes so blue like the sea

they leave the “marbles” alone

for roses and carnations of freshness’

the people of the heart see them

as them send them flower- bouquets

                                   full of freshness’

they feel that their love

has never withered,

green it is like hope,

as the endless love of the mother,

only for these distinguishing colours

do they look like fir- trees!

They leave and ascend to the skies

taking saying farewell to words

the warm words of the soul,

soch as love, remembrance and merriness…

The bells of the great resurrections ring happily

in tears full  of gold

and in a melody  unheard.

The tear  holds the  Moon in its hands’

The group of the devine birds

fly in a strange orbit

where the  melodic twittering

is heard in a new, heavenly form…

The queen embroids thoughts

in an ink bottle,

as if upon a nylon surface

where the colours revive the world

into movements that don’t have any pauses

but create colour reflexes

and words,  speechlessly warm of the heart,

 where the letters are in pain

for the suffering of the union

and again they give a body

like summits that ascend high in the skies,

like a choir

 The most greatest choir of perpetuation!


5.The most magnificent act of revival

is being interpreted


The Wind Aiolos gives a command to the king

to gather the letters

P + A+ N+ A+ J+ O+ T+ I+ S 

in the vastness of the blueness

and every heavenly letter

looks like  a fountain

that continually brings pain,

glory, this present time, angelic feelings’

the flurescence of the iris…

In the vastuess of the skies

queen Vassiliki stays dazzled

with this wonderful returning

in an unforgettable  background

with a very luminous company

that gives the symphony

of an un  known musician

that unexpectedly came

with a very deep talent

that leaves  all the other musicians  behind, speechless

the   most well- known of the times 

stained with invitations, spectacles,

open and closed applauses,

competitions full of victories…

This act is interpreted

as the most magnificent one of resurrection

of a person that was cut off

by a visit to a temple

of adoration and love  towards Devine Resurrection.



6. Queen Vassiliki

looks like Holy Mary

in her hands she holds Panagioti

as Holy Mary held Christ…


Queen Vassiliki

looks more beautiful to me today

from all the queens-nymphs

maybe with courage I soy she’s the most wisest

that interprets the revival

 of the time of the musical pentagram 4/4 … (for quarters)

People, adorers of orphanage:  

 Queen Vassiliki

looks like Holy Mary

in her hands she holds Panagioti

as Holy Mary held Christ…

(Is this a surpass of that symbolization;!)

The birds of God

thrush their beautiful, multi- coloured wings

and the choir of the melody

conquers the vast open Space.


7. High above again

very close to the mother of temples…


The angel comes out of the temple

the day holds the hours in its hands

the hours, bouquets of flowers like a bible

Queen Vassiliki clenches her son in this devine icon

that becomes alive and makes a portrait

and her son lives again

he kisses the queen on her cheeks

like a son grown up in angelic rooms

 he touches her…

She’s surprised…

How do the Gods do this so naturally;

They light up life and logic

they turn off and the Angel courageously

from the  embrace -icon of the mother

and they notify the Skies…

In all the languages of the world

a retrain is repeated:

High and above

very close to the mother of temples…




The tear and the word say:

Panagiotis is coming- in the Morning

to Corinth that’s caressed by the Isthmus!…


The tear says:

“Why didn’t you stay on Earth

you, you beautiful bouquet of flowers?”

The tear says:

“ Should this soul burst out that was so famous?” 

The   tear says:

 “Shouldn’t this mind of birth

mix architecture

so to re-create beauty?”

the tear says:

“Can a mother become silent

with a departure so, sudden and uneasy?”

The tear says:

”To these kind of queens- a name

they most give, a gift

a palm of happiness full of  flowers…

The word says:

“A mother can’ be consolidated

so quickly and in a hurry

let it be for her child

that is  being transformed into an angel…”

The word says:

“Panagiotis is coming- in the Morning

to Corinth that’s caressed by the Isthmus!

Panagiotis is coming

A meal of dreams to Krines…

A nightingale sits on a young shot

where germination finds him again

on the same green circle

with leaves and branches

 Panagiotis is coming –

At night again a dream

for the  hearts that are waiting!”

The place fills with pictures,

concerts, with the voice, the very Sweetest,

of the Terrestrial Globe…


A vision that’s leaving again

 a time of changing seasons

queen Vassiliki gathers

poetic nectar

 it remains for the Terrestrial Globe

to see

the signs on the horizon….

What’s happening to the Terrestrial Globe 

that’s swirling around in our dreams?!




We are another Continent, independent

than the one we’re  breathing in…



you gave birth (to a child) so to become peaceful

not only with yourself

but  to give peace to other men and women,

you gave birth (to a child) to deliver a distinguishing light

a flaming white light-

that other women can’t do

as much as they try

because   in your heart Literature lives

like greenness .. .

We live in this Continent

but we’re another, independent (Continent)

than the one we’re breathing in,

and the system of universal light

and whatever else

is like a tale, a myth (to us).

We have our sun,

our moon,

an dour metric system,

our deep – green forests in

unimaginable dreams

we haven’t got seas…

but oceans of soul!

That’s why this memorial service echoes

and only the spiritual people hear it,

the humanists

that ring the bells of respect

they listen silently…

but in deep emotion do the heavenly temples hear…

We have no need for compasses

we feel each other’s breath:

dozens of whips with the sun and the moon

we have the need for each other 

as we certainly have the need for this breath.



 A new position for the Great People of the World…


Come, today the soul, itself, is giving a concert

Come, take your positions

in the Second resurrection of Angel!

It isn’t an invention, spread with rose- cream

and underneath the  cream (exists) a puzzling sphynx…

For the first time you will see true Resurrection

 For which we have held hope for so long,

and the  sun that leaves  its rays in a position

that earlier hadn’t been seen by us…

A new position for Great People of the Earth…

Roses and wishes planted

in the vastness of the  sky,

and happiness, exultation,

burst like fire- crackers

oh, they shine…

The  trees don’t expect heat for blooming,

they blossom in the twinkling of the eye

with words of divinity!

We, the people on Earth say it’s a Mystery!

But the people in the Skies are so accustomed to it,

with so much blossoming…

they just call it ‘Blossoming of the Angels’

Come, for today the soul itself is giving a recital!



They ascended to the  wedding atmosphere of the Angels


I saw an outburst of nature

as she kneeled kissed the photon the marble

and the fragrance of flowers

as she felt them from afar

suddenly I was astonished:

the photograph came to life

in bones and flesh,

and it was He, yes only He,

who was taken by the temple.

Now, it seems, he comes in and out of the Temple!

I heard the tick-tack that interpreted

the symphony of the senses

and the queen with her King

that are rejoicing as a couple… 

Has a miracle like this ever happened so greater

in this World:…-

Come, my sweet bride, come up here! –

I’ve come, Panagioti!

And both of them held by the hand,

ascended the wedding atmosphere of the Angels…

And the tear lost its shape…

All the tears are gone…


The second poetic view

E everything has been said

And the letters in all the  languages of the World

Remained in similarity

with appoint of punctuation, and again a comma…

so the cleverness of continuity

will say everything once more…


Argyrokastro, Albania

                                   August- September 2006    





 Autumn Joy

 A poem


Translated by Shaun Thompson, Spring 2003.



Gjirokastėr, ALBANIA2003  


1.  On the edge of a dream


Winter reluctantly goes away,

Concerned about the appearance,

And birth of a delicate English love,

The eyes quietly opened,

In that interestingly forgetful fog…


2. Signs of Linking


Winter lights up,

It is as the coming of loneliness….

But in the horizon of the stars,

Are revealed the signs of linking…


The kisses do not stay only on the lips,

The kisses wander,

In an explosion of sighs.


The days are numbered,

And weeks,

And months,

And back again.


The epilogue is revealed of a desire,

Beautiful, unforgetful,

The birth of a new creature,

Autumn Joy.


3. Chlorophyll in action


Autumn does not tire,

In the readying of a harvest,

The quality of the tree’s fruit is shown,

As the bud opens,

And now the yellowing of the leaf,

When chlorophyll says farewell to ‘the green’ with kindness,

“Goodbye” it greets the people.


4. Released to the sky


Far away England,

Felt herself ,

Entwined with ancient Albania,

Despite the whims,

Of the grey sky.


The heavenly emissary,

With his brown beard shining,

Now in this completely changed forecast,

With pairs of doves released,

Towards a forever waiting sky,

Brown the colour of the Earth,

Always brings forth sincerity.


5. Pluses


It views as beautiful the emerging star,

Of the earth, heaven, sea, and planet,

The Great Bear who sees himself with eight stars,

The birth in its own sphere equal to the emergence of a wonder.

Out of enthusiasm for this change:

The Continents  + 1

                        + 1  the days of the week

The seasons     + 1


The creative seas are poured out,

The oceans of humanity filled with laughter and joy,

Pleasant flights of birds,

In a clear blue sky.


The first steps are taken forward,

With all types of dolls,

And a playful bear.


6. Apostle’s imagination


What does it mean to become rich        

 in happy laughter?

What does it mean to hear the first sounds         

 of words breaking forth?

(Oh how the new fruit resembles its own)


The golden ribbon is tied together by the Sun’s rays.


What does it mean           

 in an old Balkans,

For an English girl to be born?

Births have only one meaning, whether in English or Albanian.


Her beautiful eyes,


Watched the dreamy gene,

In the days of carrying this new life,

So she awaited Autumn Joy,

As once the virgin Mary had awaited Jesus.


7  The symphony of desire


She wanted the newborn to have her lips,

She wanted to give her the eyes if Adam,

She wanted her to have the mind of the two,

She wanted her to carry the names and titles,

Of her grandfathers and great-grandfathers,

She wanted her to easily cross the Greenwich Meridian.


Let the moon no longer be,

Only half light and half dark,

And may clouds no longer obscure the sky,

Let the stars never be ailing,

May the notes of laughter,

be interpreted only by the day.

These are passages from the symphony:

 “All the seasons melted into one”,

With a script written by the Risen Christ.

The magic of the town,

Rested upon her eyes,

The subtle magic of the stone touched her,

It wrapped itself around this English beauty of Nottingham,

To create the most architectural of dreams,

Ever seen in the time of dreaming.


8.  The Zenith of Emotion


A full moon,

Bright stars,

The poles of the Earth ablaze,

Tropical heat! (Exclamation mark)

“The birth is awaited”


The sun at its zenith,

The heavenly bodies in gladness,

“The birth is awaited”


The day doesn’t hold back the emotions,

The hot winds blow,

The stars squabble,

“The birth is awaited”


The desert receives the gift of blooming,

Open spaces are filled,

with the concert of beautiful birds,

The birth is awaited!


Love reaches its hottest point,

Where the heat itself is crazed,

The frozen seas melt,

The dimensions of man appear,

And eyes look to heaven.


9. Angel-like born


In the architecture of joy,

Happiness is happy in happiness,

And a spreading net of dreams takes over,

The empty spaces of the universe.


Birth is now knocking at the door,

The edges of the horizon become clear,

The old robes are cast aside.


The heavenly emissaries,

come down to earth with this cubic news,

“Autumn Joy is born”


The hurried anxiety of birth,

Overwhelms the eyes and face,

Then comes the smile, and we hear the gurgle of the voice,

This birth somewhat more special than the others.


10.  Heavenly Wandering


To where is Autumn Joy going?

Loaded for a lengthy itinery?

For where does the little English girl place her cute steps,

In a Gjirokastra carpeted with cobbled streets?


This “connector” of tomorrow,

Brings to mind the words of a song,

“We are the Lords of the earth”


Autumn Joy takes her breath ,

From the air of the heavenly town,

And life from this blessed city,

Will winter be able to approach,

Within the hemispheres of time?!


11.  The meeting point


The eyes of the parents look upon “Autumn Joy”,

Dream cast in her heavenly wandering,

I a poet am moved,

I have an appointment with the sun…

Tomorrow I catch the plane to England!


12.   Holy Fragrance


Autumn Joy,

‘Awaits’ ‘Winter’,

But takes away its ability to produce,

Snow, ice, storm, and shadow,

In this so completely broken down world,

Which lies in wait for you at the NINE STATIONS.


She takes away the winteriness of winter,


And leaves it gazing powerless from an open sky,

Even though it be grey.

Winter is enraged by this matter,

As it releases its short lived branches.




In the camp of day,

the heavenly breath is blowing,

“Autumn Joy” is transformed into a tropic of the Heavens.






Personal Information

Name:            PETRO


Surname:       DUDI

Date of birth:   1946

Place of birth:  Qestorat, Lunxhėri Gjirokastėr

Living place:   Tirana (Rruiga ”Qemal Stafa “Pallati 19/2

Family origin: Intellectual


Actual position: profesionist writer. Member of the Albanian writers and artists’ Association,

Vice president  and of the Writers and Poets’ Association “Pegasi”Gjirokastėr, Albania.

Foreign Languages: Perfect knowledge of Russian.


High school degree

University degree, faculty of Languages & Literature


The academy of Land Forces (multi-machines), Tiranė .

Several training courses in the literary, publicity and military fields

Literary experience:

Other works of the autor


“The path to the hearts”   poetries

“Light”                              poetris

“The sky astonished”        poetris

“The human beings don’t know,

how to think better”         poem

“To grow up my Albania”  poem

“The future is baby”           poetris

“Love mystery intrigue”    poetris

“Argiro Princess”            libretto

“Peregrination in the mist” neoroman

“The lust’s island”        selected stories

“The  myth’s wane – politic” philosophic work

“Poetic anthology”             in English

“Aerodrome’s symphony”    artistic journalisim


“Kol Tivari”         jewels

“Unusual”            rubaiya

“Living stone”     selected poetris

“Unlucky seeking kismet”  poem in English.


Published in the “Keleno” periodical magazine, “Pensa a Qui” Brasil, “Pomezia Notizie” Italy and many other magazines throughout the world. During all this time he has published in the periodical literary press in Albania from the year 1974 in the magazines “Ylli”, “Nentori”, “10 Korriku”, “Shqiptarja e re”, as well in the newspapers “Drita”, “Zeri i rinise”, “Mesuesi”, “Bashkimi”, “Zeri i popullit”, “Pararoja”, “Java” etc.

 Chief of the newspapers “Pegasi” edition of the Writers’ Association “Pegasi” and the magazine “Pegasi” 2007.

Petro Dudi


1. Breathing rock (shkemb I gjalle)


This course

                     like the ancient one -


This tongue of man

                               how bitterly it bites;

This shadow of dusk -

                               cries, the barking of dogs,

This heart of man

                               how much it darkens.

O cruel dream,

                               human mess,

Generation after generation

                               you did not cease listlessness, mourning;

                               you did not cease defamation,




O fate of the world,

O my fate,

What is this humiliation?

Why all this punishment?


Suffering corrodes the dream,

 robbery spoils the hope,

Crime steals the sun,

betrayal – the ideal,

Hatred smudges the sky,

calamity blackens the home,

Desecration pollutes the soul,

the dead mourns the living.


I look for justice,

deception sets a trap,

Darkness overtakes today

even more than yesterday.

I seek grace,

 everywhere everything appears deformed,

A hissing candle,

I cry where are you?

Where are you fate of the world,

You my fate?

Like the Scops owl,

I hoot entreatingly.

To the Money ruler

 all villains

 dedicate each-others’ lives;

They think they  wear the golden necklace,

While on their throats

they fasten the noose.


O fate of the world,

O You, my fate,

What is all this fright?

What is all this ugliness?

Crowds – fans

staring at the THRONEhorse,

“The best” is chosen

  and he becomes more evil than the evil.




All the time the tragicomedy 

                is played

At every moment




               are deformed.

The cursed,

                o God,

                who blessed them?

O fate of the world, 

O my fate,

Isn’t there an opportunity?

Isn’t there a star?

Struggling I searched

        among the clouds and the lighting bolts,

The spirit of the generous people

          was my guide.

For a moment I rejoiced

   by a whisper of the DAWN,

Because this old wound

                 has a cure.

The spirit of the generous people 

   will guide my JOURNEY,

In this life,

   there is ANOTHER LIFE.

That is why I remained a missionary

          of the dawns, innocent.

That is why I remained with the spirit like a sea

          and the hope like a gull,

I remained a warrior

         and a singer in the storm,

That is why I remained phantasmal

I remained

           A BREATHING ROCK.                                                                  




3. Pain (dhimbje)


In the shadow a silhouette,

An attempted assassin

                              without a pistol,

Tracks the passers-by of the night,

To kill the others’ honor,

To kill her own honor.

The night whispers:









Too many synonyms.

The whole portrait:








Curriculum vitae


Personal Information:

Surname:                 DUDI (KOBLARA)

Name:                      MIRELA

Birth date:               27.O7.1972

Birthplace:              Fier

Address:           Lagjja “18 Shtatori”, Pallati 66, Gjirokaster, Albania

Cell:                       (355) 693282314


Education:        Diploma: Language & Literature,  University “Eqrem Ēabej”, Gjirokaster, Albania

Profession: Teacher (Secondary Education). Focus in literature 

Extra-curricular positions: Co-director and secretary for Pegasi, the literary association of southern Albania. Honorary member of Xasteron, a literary association of Greece, based in Athens. Member of the Albanian Writers’ League, Tirana.


Prizes and Awards:


Xasteron Award: first prize for poetry for foreigners in Aegean competition. Athens, 2006

Special member award for exemplary participation, Pegasi, Gjirokaster, 2005.  


Published Works:

1. “Kllocka Nilė, Murroja dhe Pushėverdhi.” ,shtėpia botuese “Jonalda”,  Berat. 2002. A fable.

2.  “Clearing My Sky”, a collection of poems in English).  Marin Barleti,  Tirana. 2003

3. and translation by Zaharulla Gaitanaki in Greek (2005

4.“Epopeja e minjve tė fushės.” A fable in Albanian. “Marin Barleti”, Tirana.

5. “ A chi.”  A collection of poems in Italian. Self-published. 2006.


Director, publisher and free-lance writer/editor for newspapers including “Pegasi”, “Lunxheria”(regional newspaper) and  “Dorian” (literary newspaper for children).

Created, published and directed Sprova, a school newspaper in Ura e Kardhiqit, Gjirokastra

Former editor-in-chief of Pegasi, the literary newspaper of Pegasi association. 


Editor of “Clirimi i Ndjenjės”, a collection of poems by students of  Bilal Golemi High School. 

Editor of “Ėndrra me rreze Dielli”, poems by Aurora Baho and Dorina Tola

Edited and co-published books for Pegasi, the literary association, Gjirokastėr.

Translations:  Albanian/English

“The Sailing Soul”, collection of poems by Islam Kalemi;  “Waiting You On the Road”, by Islam Kalemi;  “Broken Peace” by Janaq Jano”; “To Speak Straight” by Izet Ēulli”.

Published in magazines and newspapers:

Poetry published in “Pense Aqui”, a mail art magazine, Rio Claro, Brazil. 

Poetry published in  “Keleno”, Athens.

Poetry included in “In the Flame of Creation”, an international anthology by Xasteron, the literary Association,  Athens,2004.


Participation and memberships:

Member of   “LUNXHERIA”,  regional cultural organization, Gjirokaster branch

Ex-member of  committee of “Lunxheria”, regional cultural organization, Gjirokaster branch

Ex-coordinator  to student senate, Bilal Golemi high” Ura e Kardhiqit,  Gjirokastra

Consultant to student senate, Bilal Golemi high” Ura e Kardhiqit,  Gjirokastra

Her poetry was red in the International day of poetry in Athens, 21 march 2005, 2006, organized by association “Xasteron”


Fluency (reading, writing, speaking) in English and Italian      

First Certificate in English, Cambridge University, 2001.

Working knowledge of Microsoft Applications (Ms Dos, Ms Word, Ms Excel )

Participated in  “Skills For life”, a  training seminar about teen lifestyles, organized by Ministry of Education and UNICEF, 2004.




-Do you love me”

- Yes, I do.

- What’s worth in your life?

- Believe in you.




Answer – before a question

Smile – before a joke

I saw – before your description

- but you never talked.




I asked you to bless my sins,

I am nothing,

You are everything,

Whatever I do,

I believe in you

Because he, who can change

Something to me

Is only you.









 Editor: Sazan Gjomema

Reviewer: Alqi Beqo

Cover Design: Altin Dova

                 The Literary Association “Pegasi” Gjirokastra, Albania



Copyright © MIRELA DUDI, 2003


A sky with a personal space


In this poetic space “Clearing my sky” many stars light, and all of them try to shine in their own style. You can find in these verses  someone who is speaking from behind the rails, someone who has what a man needs the most, the youth, by which even life is blessed. The absurdity is around her, but a green light brightens her road. You can find hope in her verses. After a love which burned her soul, she listens to the voice of her heart and turn in on herself, no mater where he is, departed from every thought.

She believes in God and she asks him when she feels lonely and she appreciate that the life is a gift of God and no one can rob it from the man.

Mirela tries to give her appreciation for the poems of the different poets of the Europe.  

In the first sight, the view is tranquil just like a picture that hides many elements, but its reading is difficult.






The hi cup

has tied us everyday,

as a pigeon without wings ,

as a phone message

that needs not the words.


This sound from the deepness of heart,

hints your name inside me

as the twittering of nightingale,

that your brains steals in Spring.


This hi cup like a charmer,

brings you briskly closer to me,

hearing your spotless diction

makes you think of stream swirls.


But the marvel abides no more

and the hi cup just vanished away.

Your image dwindling through it

is dissolved somewhere far, far away.


Now I am left again forlorn,

full of blaze you kindled in me

I am astir ready to trumpet for the hi cup,

so that it can draw you back to me.


                               MY FRIEND.


Your voice sounds hard to me

as an endless alarm,

as a blow that disturbs your sleep,

as a cry of a man dying .


You speak from behind the rails,

as guilty you are and that’s what you pay.

Your nails try  to catch after memories

that life in its store doesn’t keep.


Don’t ask from me any respect,

you have never thought to be a friend.

Your memory just makes me somber

here’s the line of my love, THE END!


January 2002




I love you,

but you still remain a dream

to be dreamt of only at midnight.


I love you ,

but I don’t feel you so close,

as so close you are everyday.


I love you

with thousands words that we never said,

which unite us again.


I love you,

because your worry

is my worry.


I love you,

but you never

have cared about it.


I don’t love you.


January 2002






Don’t turn your back

with the hatred of a grumpy person.  

Don’t hurt the gap that we dug it up.

Your love is  like a shadow

which I follow and never give up. 



Don’t beg for what I can’t give you!

Don’t trap what is not your own! 


You are not mine.

My body,

yours can never be .


January 2002





You keep up as you have ever been,

the years sent the old age into exile.

Freshness reigns in your eyes,

though life never gave love to pass.


I see you walking proudly,

among people like a silent victor.

The youth, the biggest word ever loved

on every cell of yours is carved.


Your body perfectly forged by God

which is envied even by a cypress,

is kneeled only before Christ,

to ask for more grace inside.


But you have what a man needs the most,

the youth, by which even life is blessed .

That which Eve’s sin banished us

is gifted to you by God all your life.


3 March 2002






Two pairs of lips kissing.


Two pairs of eyes reading each other.


Two hearts talking anxiously.


Two bodies producing heat.


And between them,


                                THE DREAM.


24 March 2002




There among stars

you are ,

an angel awake for me

you stay.

But why are you sleeping

                                                this night?

Forsaking me, the sins of sky

to pay.


27 May 2002





I talk to you,

but you are not here.

Believe me, please

I am so near.

As the mind rushes

to fly to you,

my spirit shudders 

in the deep heart core.


A dream you dream ,

which words can never declare. 

A reality,

which doesn’t even care.

By the use of images

public opinion = Paradox.

Its vanguard  buried in the sea,

you have forgotten the quotation marks

The big letter, a  name hugs.

You look like a young bird,

having a different spring

even in forlornness.

A tuneful song you sing.

I listen to that free bird 

and sing in its tune too.

A full life I terribly insert

making the eternity blue.

24 June 2002





On the icy sand you walk,

the storm follows you behind.

Then the fear meets the hope,

a vanished flower shouts: “ Mind!’’


You swirl in a whirl,

which is called reality.

The light of a star gets life

in its conic end of mortality.


The haziness is ending up

oh sly time, which makes us moan!

The vanished flower blooms

its white stands as a crown . 


26 June 2002



Curriculum Vitae


Personal Information:

Surname:                Ēulli

Name:                     Izet

Birth date:               26. 12.1942

Birthplace:              Progonat, Tepelene

Living place:          Tepelene, Albania

Mobil:                     00355682573399


Education:        Graduate Diploma, the Faculty of  Medicine, University of Tirana (1967)

                            Specialized for Neuropsychiatry (1974)

Actual profession: Doctor

Actual positions: General Vice president of the Literary Association “PEGASI” With headquarters in Gjirokastra, Albania, Member of Albanian writers’ Association, President of the Writers Association Tepelene


Literary editions:

For Children:


1.                   “Diē mė thotė njė zog”  “A bird something utters to me..”  poems

2.                    “Ē’i ndodhi Kodit nė plazh” “smething happened to Klodi in the beach” Poem, tale

3.                   “Nė qielln e zemrės“In the Sky of the Heart” Poems

4.                    “Mjalti i Gjyshėrve” “Sweetness of the Grandfathers”,  poems

5.                   “Nė Krahėt e jetės” “In the Hands of Life “  Poem

6.                   “Fėmijėt Lindin Engjėj” “Children Come to Life Angels” chosen poems

7.                   “A e Gjeni Dot?”  “Can you guess?” (Albanian – Greek)

For Adults:

1.                   “Loti i Pulėbardhės” “Tears of the Seagull” poetry

2.                   “Stina e Ēudirave” “ The Season of Wonders” epigrams and micro comedy

3.                   “Bijtė e Zonjės Mėmė” “Sons of the Lady Mother” poetry – dedication

4.                   “Dielli i Atdheut” “Sun of the Fatherland” poetry

5.                   “Zemrėn Ti ma Gatove…” “You kneaded my Heart”  Journalism , essay, Reporting

6.                   “ Fajin Nuk e Ka Pasqyra” “It is Not The Mirror’s Fault” sketches and humor stories

7.                   “Buzėqesh Hidhur” “My Bitter Smile” epigrams, fables, humor poems

8.                   “Shumė Dhelpra Paska Jeta”  “Too Many Foxes in This Life!”

9.                   “Shpirt i Trazuar” “Troubled Soul” poetry

10.                “Simfonia e Vėllazėrimit” “Symphony of Brotherhood” chosen poems

11.                “Terapia e Fjalės” “Therapy of The Word” Poems, and epigrams

12.                “Ariu s’trėmbet me Shoshė” “The Bear can’t be Frightened with a Sift”  fables

13.                “Si dhėntė nė Shtrungė” “Like the sheep in the sheep pen” fables

14.                “Pesha e Fjalės” “Weight of the Word” poems

15.                “Tehu i Gjuhės” “Blade of the Tongue” fables

16.                “Dashuri dhe Mall” “Love and Yearning” Journalism

17.                “Bashkė me Naimin” “Together with Naim” poetry, essay, Reporting

18.                “Na dashkan dhe Yzengji”  “They seem to be in need of a stirrup”  Fables

19.                “I Dhoksa to Mesolongjiu” Poetry in Greek

20.                “Me gjuhwn e kafshėve” “With the Animals’ Language” chosen Fables

21.                “Ēallma shakatore” satires “Funny Turban”

22.                 Po tė kesh komshiun mik” “When The Neighbor is your Friend” satires

23.                “Melodi pa Zė” “Voiceless Melody” satires


Taken active part in editing articles in everyday and periodical press in the literary and social field in newspapers “Pegasi”,  ‘Tirana Observer”,”Tema” , literary newspaper “Drita”, edition of Albanian writers’ Association etc.

Editions in Central and Local Medias:


- Taken active part in editing articles in everyday and periodical press in the literary and social field in newspapers “Pegasi”,  ‘Tirana Observer”,”Tema” , literary newspaper “Drita”, edition of Albanian writers’ Association etc.

- Articles, poetry, critical essays, published in the newspaper s: “Drita”, “Bashkimi”, “Zėri i rinisė”, “Koha jonė”, “Shekulli”, “Ndryshe”,  “Demokracia”, “Labėria” etc.


Editions abroad:

Poetries Publicated in the Anthology “Flame of Creation” of the writers Association “XASTERON” IN ATHENS GREECE, as well in the literary magazine “Keleno” , Anthology “Pėr ty Gjakovė”

Scientific activities with subject:

-   Actively participating in the scientific activities in the field of Neuropsychiatry in Tirana, Albania; Struga, Macedonia; as well Prishtina, Kosovo, where he has delivered scientific speeches.

-  Actively participating in congresses of the Albanian Writers’ Association, conferences and the Universal exchange of values.

Foreign Languages:

  He is a good connoisseur of Latin, Italian, and Russian



Extended Knowledge over the Microsoft Applications (Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms PowerPoint, FrontPage, etc.) with Certificate



Winner of National and International Prices:

a.                                                       National price “Tahsim Gjokutaj”

b.                                                       International price “Mother Teresa” in Thesaloniky

c.                                            International price for the fable (third price) in Athens.

d.                                                       National price “PEGASI” (first price for the humor Stories)












Translated from the original by MIRELA DUDI of “Pegasi” association








correction:  ALQI BEQO

translator: MIRELA DUDI

editor         :


Copyright  ©IZET ĒULLI, 2006



Address: rruga “ NDRE MJEDA”

              Pallati 40/1, kati i tetė


Tel: 0035504272270

Mobile: 00355682573399





The Sow was sick,

hospitalized in a ward,

a doctor, a cure,

a prescription is done.



Quickly said a Pig:

What’s this, my God, -

for the bald-head man,

a barber is everyone.




The bureaucrat Bear,

in the office angrily came.


The boss spoke curtly:

- The keys, the keys, man!


- The office keys? No! Never.

The home’s! Yes! Forever!




By chance


- Look! The bear came to life abruptly, -

the doctor None uttered sharply.


- He had nearly met the death,

Because of me, he’s now safe.


The Lion spoke full of wisdom,

His word has no criticism.


- Thanks Heaven, he hadn’t used the medicine,

Otherwise, you know what I mean.


When by chance they are recovered,

with fame, the doctor is covered.



The bear, the mouse and…


Over the river, on the bridge,

the elephant was walking through.

On the other side like a thunder,

a Vole was going too.


On the river bank, a frog,

was singing for her own content.

The mice, shutting boastfully,

squeaks and shows off his empty head.


- Why don’t you lift your head up!

We’re so strong, you have to see!

Bad luck to the poor bridge,

it’s shaking under our foot, not his.


In the beach


The Pig and the Sow

together got engaged.


- Their house, - said the Duck, -

is built on quick sand. 




The Squirrel said surprisingly:

- Monkey, the Fox is going mad.


Somewhere he took some steps,

immediately he turned back.


- Shut up! Something he has seen,

either drunk, or foolish he has been.


Jorgo Telo

Curriculum Vitae


Personal Information:

Surname:                 TELO

Father’s name         Sofokli

Name:                       Jorgo

Birth date:                06.01.1945

Birthplace:               ZAGORI, GJIROKASTER

Living place:           Lagjja “18 Shtatori, Gjirokaster, Albania



Education:   Graduate Diploma, the Faculty of Language- History – Literature, Institute “A.Xhuvani”, Tirana


Actual profession:  retired, professional writer 




- He has written articles in many local and periodical newspapers and magazines, such as the newspapers “Mesuesi”, “Zeri i Rinise”, “Hosteni”, “Pararoja”, “Java”, “Dita Jug”, “Gjirokastra”, “Zagoria”,”Policia pranė”

- He has contributed as an editor and vice editor in chief of the literary newspaper “Pegasi”, edition of the Literary Association “PEGASI”, where he is an active member.


Literary and Writing Activities:


1.                          “Eve moj, pse u genjeve?”  “O Eve, why did you get so deceived?” novel 1998

2.                         “Bubushi e Dikushi” humorous poem for children

3.                         “Babi, keq mos te te vije” “” Poems for children

4.                         “Vere dhe uthull“Vine and Vinegar” fables

5.                         “Klithja e Yjeve” “the cry of the stars” , poetry 2000

6.                         “Tingujt e shpirtit” “Notes of the soul” poetry 2001

7.                         “Humorpipereska” epigrams 2004

8.                         “Sfidanti legjendar” “The legendary challenger” epical-lyric poem for children 2005

9.                         “Hedhja e zareve” “Casting of dices” Novel 2005

10.                      “Mysafiret e rinj te Cajupit” “The new guests of Cajup” fantasy report (in the process of editing)

11.                      “Interviste me Babane e “Baba Tomorri”-t” “Interview with the father of “Baba Tomorri” (in the process of editing)

12.                      “Kush i gjen te lumte i them” riddles for children

13.                      “Hajku” “Hajk” in the way

14.                      “E folmja zagorite porsi nje flladitje”  research

National and international activities:

He has participated in two international competitions in Greece, where he has won a second price for fable and a first price for poetry, respectively in 2005 and 2006.

Foreign Languages:


   -  A good connoisseur of Russian Language



Certificate in Informatics

Extended knowledge in the Microsoft applications (MS-DOS, Ms-Windows, Ms-Excel, Ms-PowerPoint, etc)



A short Biography of the Albanian Writer Jorgo Sofokli Telo


Jorgo Sofokli Telo, a distinguished Albanian writer and poet, was born in 1945 in the small village of Koncke of the region of Zagoria in Gjirokastra, a region distinguished as being the birthplace of many distinguished men of letters. He attended the normal school in Gjirokastra, where he graduated in 1963, and continued his graduate studies at the teachers college “Aleksander Xhuvani” in Tirana, the faculty of language-literature-history, from where he was graduated with a teacher’s degree in 1965.


In addition to his profession, he engaged in many literary activities at schools in the villages, where he worked, by creating humor and satire as a raw material for the theaters, thematic concerts, as well by creating many librettos for the entertaining activities, especially sketches, parodies, couplets and extended tableaus. At the meantime he used to write poetries, a passion which has followed him all his life since his school days. He has been an active member of the literary circles. He has given a very important contribution in the field of rhapsody writing, where he has been awarded many prices.


Before 1990 he has been trying to publish his literary works, but he has been delayed by the bureaucratic drawls of that time. 


He has an unceasing passion for contributing in the field of letters. 


Agron Shele




Curriculum vitae


Personal Information:

Surname:                 SHELE

Name:                      AGRON

Birth date:               07.10.1972

Birthplace:              Pėrmet

Living place:          Lagjja Partizani, “Pegasi”   Pėrmet, Albania

Mobil:                      003556833188 


Education:        Graduate Diploma , the Faculty of  History and Geography, Military Academy

Actual profession: professional writer 

Actual positions: Vice / chief of  Literary Association “PEGASI” Gjirokastėr, Albania, Member of Albanian writers’ Association, Head of the Branch of Literary Association “PEGASI” Pėrmet, Head of the Association  “Youth and Children” Albania

Head of the Association “Environment in the Cumunity” Albania

Literary and Writing Activities

Literary editions:

1.                            “Hapat e Klarės”  “Steps of Clara” novel, Tirana 2003

2.                            “Pertej perdes gri” “Behind the grey curtains” novel, Tirana, 2006

3.                            “Pasazh i pafaj” “Innocent passage” Poerty

4.                            “Imazhe tė rremė” “False images” novel

5.                            “Pėrtej perdes gri” “Behind the grey curtains” , nė proces botimi.

      6. “ Essay” “Ese “  about authors of the world literature Tomas Man, Stefan Cvajk, Izabele Alende, Teodor Drajzer.



Taken active part in editin articles in everyday and periodical press in the literary and social field in newspapers “Pegasi”,  ‘Tirana Observer”,”Tema” , literary newspaper “Drita”, edition of Albanian writers’ Association etc.


Editions abroad:

Poetry in the literary anthology in Motola, Itali, won the special price.

Editions in Magazines abroad, poetry in  English and Greek.

Scientific activities with subject :

” The first Rector of the Albanian University, “Karaman Ylli”

“A point of view over the works of the Albanian writer, Naim Frashėri”, with the presence of the poets who write in Persian style.

“Poetic activitiy about the poet Xhevar Spahiu, ex chief of the Albanian writers’ Association.

Recensions about great voices in the Albanian Literature.


As head and organizer of the Literary Association “PEGASI” , he has masterminded and developed many literary activities.


Won special price for poetry in Italy , Motola as well  “PEGASI 2006”, for the novel “Pėrtej perdes gri” “ Behind the Grey curtain’



 Study for foreign Languages.

 “Environment protection” certified by the International Fond for Environment “REC”

 Certificate in Informatics.

 With his works he is propagated in the world.




My muse!

What beauty do you hide within twilights?

What dreams you gave birth to beyond the forest glades?

What songs did you sing  in the deep gorges?

What rays do you seek in the gloomy evenings?

My muse!

 I stand at the silent crag.

Beat the silence through the eternity absorbed.

I see everywhere the old sunset

Everywhere appears dawn revived.


My muse!

The years and the grey hair like the  mountain crests,

brightening under the hidden fogs.

The spirit carved by  the thin pen,

Trembling, breaking, far away in the remote places


My muse!

I wonder, did you come as a curse

  Or as a play played dizzily

I see the eyes of the girl hidden

 And the tears transformed into an emerald.


My muse!

Like a holy soul impels induces neglect forgetfulness

Why poets we became in the morning

Under the vagrant step the day passes by

In our apparitions life





 My dreams remained there,

Like thousand of icebergs in the boundless ocean

My mind penetrates beyond in the skies.

In other skies, journeys of poetry.


My dreams remained there,

In the vernal nights, full of stars.

Words that cause the soul shiver

And weaved the magic linen

 My dreams remained there,

like the morning light.

With the yearning of autumn

And the drops of rain, melancholy.

My dreams remained there

Over the archs of rainbows, with meaningful colors.

The lucky day , hope and merriment,

arched paths of poetries.


Nė Olimp vendoset drejtėsia 


Zeus promised the eternal justice,


stopped for many centuries


Sinners caught the sinners

the holiest of presents for the terrible “Had“


 Everywhere supporters applauded absurdity(insanity)

And everywhere they tightened chains of innocence.



For the heart,

wondered everywhere the cursers . . .

but, alas, the ill-fated,

 could not force it out of the soul.




 Bells rang again . . .

Again someone has passed away!

The last words, the only ones . . .

All remained at the monastery.





How close we were yesterday!


How far we are today!


How many broken hearts,

How many deeply grieved souls,

How much tears and how much yearning,

The big crossroad stops!





The autumn forgot you, O Lake, not I.

I came near you as always,


To feel your moisture.


The waves flow under the feet,

They twist and gossip;

Then turn away again

Melt away into the deep abysses.


The swallows flew away

People went away too,

Only the songs of the gulls

And my solitary steps

(The memory is written in the shapes of papyruses,

To refresh the past memory….).


Lengthy exhausted waves,

Twilight over your glass,

Shiny, cut stripes,

Thoughts that set out to route,

Thoughts that never stay at a place…






I cursed the rain for the expelled dream,

The sleepy eyes sought your hair,

The smile,

Negligent steps.

Your shadow melted in the dalayed night.


I sought you everywhere throughout the tracks of life,                                                                                          You lost somewhere...,


Perhaps into my yearning.

You silently took refuge.





The foamy waves,

Embracing the observant shore

They change direction far beyond horizons.

Thinjat e bardha shkulėn, the white gray hair 

Into the deep secrecies lost.


The delirium of peace accross the blue

Smiled to the century-old shallowness.

And forgave the modern obstinacy!





What a pity!

Says an old man passing by.

How bad!

Continues the play of words a boy,…

The same words  a woman utters,

Meanwhile a girl has changed her way.




Again others speak ill.

The beggar waits with his numb hands.





                                   How many wounded hearts,

                                   How many afflicted souls,

                                   How much tears and yearning,

                                   Stops our big crossroad,

                                   Projected by the inept people!




“Beyond the grey curtain”




For many days dense clouds surrounded the Dajti Mountain. Autumn… The rains were on the verge of the beginning of their season. I do not know why I was staying at that small and solitary cafeteria near Lana, where, except the faint environment, one could see nothing else. The first drops breathed relieved, when their long feet touched the pavement that appeared in full vagueness, from the broad background of the black glass, messy lineaments of the multitude of the droplets of water, which spread rapidly. Under the feet of the poplar, which exuberated toward the sky, was created a characteristic grey-dark carpet, generated by the mixture of the leaves with the dirty water. The twilight that came earlier, added the flux of multicolored lights of the cars in the main road “Unaza” of the capital. I looked beyond the glass, with my usual coffee “espresso” in front of me, without any objective (aimless), as the environment itself that surrounded me and I did not notice a girl staying in front of my table. I did not understand anything at that moment; moreover, I was covered by an unusual feeling of bewilderment.


- May I stay with you for awhile? – She said, and looked with an extremely suffering look.

I said nothing. Still I could not trust my eyes, when the waiter, a boy with small eyes, full of vitality, took her by the arm and spoke to her:

- Please, Adriane! Do not disturb the clients. You can sit at your table, beside the counter.   

She followed the rhythm of his steps, whilst the head turned back seemed like asking for help.

- Why do you treat her that way? – I said to the waiter.

- Adriane is sick. This way she behaves with all. Sits at their table and talks nonsense.

- Let her alone, - I could say to him and, a feeling of sympathy surrounded me for that rare beauty that appeared in front of my eyes.

- As you wish, but, do not complain to me afterwards! - He said and went to the counter.   

She did not wait longer. She threw a glance anxiously; afterwards she sat on the chair in front of me. Shadows of suspicion still had not disappeared. The multitude of the questions, that why was I staying still there and, worse than that, with such a person, dispersed all my being.

      -   You look a good person. The others hate me and they turn me out always.

-   You should not think ill of yourself! - I said to her mostly to pacify her.

-   You do not know me, but I deserve the greatest punishment of this world! – And tears rolled down her face.

-   Drink something hot, it does you good! – I showed my care and pointed at the counter.   


The waiter brought tea, while she, with trembling hands, pressed the cup. So fragile a creature, so sweet, did not deserve this destiny, which had thrown her beyond the life and dragged her in the endless roads. The regular lines of the body, the round and white face, the curly hair over the shoulders, still showed the luminous look of the past. 

She stood quiet, subdued, the same as that statue in the course of construction, which waits what shape it will be given. She cast any skeptical look and shriveled within the endless anxiety. Her lips trembled, wanting to express something untold, perhaps to kill the ill feeling accumulated from a time that I did not know. Stepped in the remnants of the life in the past, ruined by the fatal past, she suffered the sin she had done and slandered everywhere her lost self. 

- She was my best friend. God punished me for this, - and she put her hands over the wet hair.

 I handled her my handkerchief and with a rather friendly tone, I tried to somewhat pacify her, although, after each uttered phrase, broken , sometimes meaningless, expressed in the most dramatic way, I understood how life abandoned but never denied.




Adriane managed to tell the story of her pain and sorrow, expressed her heavy spiritual world, that world which intermingled and confused, in bitter memories. Her mind remained at that black night, which demolished all the social balances and kept her under persistent anxiety.

- That’s all; - she said at last and left like a shadow, through the darkness of her incomprehensibility. The burden of guilt that followed her appeared in her night dreams and plunged her into the pungent abyss. The autumn’s rain, by the means of the torrents it created, moved the multitude of the fallen leaves and, thus, gathered by the side of the sidewalk’s contour, they surrendered to the day of tomorrow to be thrown by the cleaners, as they had never been a part of the verdure of this town. She wandered in the same waters. Until yesterday, she was one of the most active members of the society, but the driving storm cast her into the tumbling abysses and plunged her in the remote places of the nights of the great loneliness. She left, lost in the emptiness of the gloomy environment. In that state, bewildered, full of sadness, walked with irregular steps, following the tracks of the remaining guilt, this great pledge, that tortured and confused all the being.

The white dreams, melted under the perplexed shadows of a life full of waves, which slandered ceaselessly its selfishness, and in all that hovel ruined fatally, remained a piece of memory, that could describe the world, the passion and the foolishness of a teenager.

It seemed that everything happened accidentally, was all this enough to change that torturing world, where the past prejudiced with all its fierceness , while the remote time mirrored in the shape of dark spots, where the look of the age interrupted at the invisible curtains of the grey weather.

It rained.







                   Aleksandra (Majlinda) Shabani May 7, .1985





                  - Student in the third year, Faculty of Comerce at the  University “Eqrem Ēabej” Gjirokastra.



Contributions in the field of letters and evaluations:


- She is Vice Editor in-chief of the literary Newspaper “Pegasi” Gjirokastra, Albania as well the newspaper  “IMPULS”.


- Some of her creative works are published by (IĖA), OHIO, USA by the president of IĖA, the poet & writer Teresinka Pereira.


- She is distinguished for the phylosophical and modern style of writing, seen by the specialists f letters as a future talent very promising in the field of letters.


- During these couple of years is engaged in the translation of many poetries writen by world wide distinguished poets, sent by them in the address of the poets and writers’ Association  “PEGASI” and pblished in the literary newspaper ‘PEGASI”.


- Information about her  literary contributions is delivered by the  President of  IĖA, by the Italian literary magazine “POMEZIA NOTIZIE”,  Greek literary magazine “KELENO”, Brasilian literary magazine “PENSA A  QUI” etc.


- She has made it possible, the connection between between the poets and writers’ Association “Pegasi” with a hundred counterparts throughout the world.


- She has been invited in several literary eveniments worldwide such as the 20th Congress, which is takin place in July 2007 in Montegomery, USA .


Foreign Languages:


                               She is a very good conoscieur  of Italian, English and Greek languages


Literary Works:

Skulpturė dėshire nė qiell manovrimi” “Sculpture of desire in  the maneuvering sky” poetry (Her first book)


“Poezi e sotme” “Poetry of today” (Poetries translated by the contemporary poets, friends of  nga “Pegasi”)


“Lidhėsitė letrare tė Pegasit”. “the literary connections of Pegasi” (the correspondence of Pegasi)



“Pegasi” Nr 32, April 2007, literary periodical of the poets and writers’ association “Pegasi”   Gjirokastra in seven languages (Albanian, English, Greek, Italian, French, German, Spanish)


Editing Activities:

- “Refleks nė ujėvarė” “Reflex in the Waterfall” Literary Anthology


- “Sfilatė e ndjenjės” “Competition of the feeling”  poetic volume


- Translating activities from Italian, English in Albanian of various authors, such as:

Teresinka Pereira USA,Jose Roberto Sechi, Selmo Vascon Sellos (Brazil); Domenico Defelice , Adriana Mondo, Maria Elena Di Stefano, Loreta Bonnuci Nicoleta Scalera, Anna Di Vetura, Sandro Alegrini(Italy), David Stone (baltimore) USA Panajata Hristopulou –Zaloni, Niko Bacikanis, Vasiliki Kalahani, Dimitrios Kraniotis (Greqi) Denis Kulentianos


- Recensions for “Ėndrra tė sapolindurve” “The dream of the newly born” the work of the poet Teresinka Pereira by  Paficio Topa; “Isola del Cielo”  the work of Tito  Cauchi writen by Giovanna Maria Muzzu


 Aleksandra (Majlinda) Shabani



“ Sculpture of desire in the manouvring sky”



1. Fading in the sharp memory


The night has lowered its eyelids

Darkness everywhere

Under the black cloak


Thought wanders everywhere

like an emigrant,

as it seeks

to find itself;

Who took and torn its passport

In the borders of freedom of walk

The body disappears

Ever and anon

comes back to life and dissolves once again

after a wan dream

In the fallen arms of a movable bridge

The soul burns,

The heart in pieces,

It floats by a confined boat,

The eye closes the observation,

The gloomy day long since

has greeted us


Without our being aware of its presence

In the chill memory

of the evening

the hear of memory

unfold  a disillusion

avoider of the occurring consequence

which take the decision of the loss

The thrown check is lost

 in the level of the beginning with foam

whipped in a plate

In concert with the glair.


2. Disappointed



I feel an aroma and cooking of ice

my breathing freezes

I feel that the demolition of pain

obsesses me

but confidence, self power

induces me in taking advantage of the others

ahead the claws of life

when they get hold on you

Are wonders and surprises of dissatisfaction



Life charms us

with its  surprising faces

and the cantos in the arenas

of undoubted laughers and contempt

Pregnant in borrowings

we waited for the new births…


A thousand dreams and desires

It is a mechanism

Abstract and  concrete,

which stimulates its influential roots

In natural reaction

My message

simplified without any kind of ethics

“protect your heart and your brain

which heads the competition

of various thoughts

In continuity absurd…”

Live the dream

of an innocent life,

without sins, pure

Like nature, sacred

which tosses in her cradle

the age-long infant

 of the beautiful bliss and peace,

that now is projected

and later the project is destroyed…


3. Tropic

Yearning  for the appointment

for the touch,

for  the unlucky kiss,

for the instant hug

loses a meridian of feeling;

I have directed my heard

toward the hot tropic,

vowing with lighter  flaming oath-taking;

of the oath given by a twice-told word,

but it seems to me that we, the negotiators of feeling

have expressed it more powerfully…

in this Globe where love-affairs

have little percentage of love…


4. Passing point of arhythmia


Overwhelming  of  asphyxia  in hemispheres of chest,

The feeling touches the dress of eternity - beats;

Revolution of the  challenging  thoughts,

Captivating ,

Conqueror  of undeniable victories.

A discovery of the thought with brooches of innovations 

Overcomes the stage of the dream.

The slogan:

“in the peak of life,

Satisfaction encounters the passing arrhythmia ”.

Should be uprooted.   


5. Sharp notes

Sweet your curiosity, baby.

Through the fog you lost the footprints of desire

Because you were sensibly clouded

 by the recommencement of life.

The Prologue of life

In dreams you were captivated,

By  yearning for pompous enigma, 

 you were captivated by the crashing power of challenge


over spectacular walls of thought

you tasted the lost youth

because you were called 



in the strings of the survived thoughts

you sidestep ideas left uncompleted 

 which live

through the wings

 of Manifestation,




Don’t you think my baby

The future takes you by force

With sharp notes of optimism.


6. Halves


The lion is maddened,

in his “bronze” teeth

tightens a heart...

Half of it  red like blood,

its other half white...

The lion runs madly,

by not obeying the rules

normal walk and the running ,

delighted by the two colored hearts:   mine - yours...

What is the zodiac sign of the Lion 

That sometimes appears  Pisces,

other times Taurus, and other times Cancer!



It is a great pleasure to be the first to introduce myself to you, dedicating to all of  you small poem taken by the above volume namely : “ Sculpture of desire in the manouvring sky”






  16.10.1950                     BORN IN SHKODRA CITY , ALBANIA





 1970  - 2000                   OFICER – PILOT IN ALBANIAN AIR FORCES

1997   ( 21 days)        TRANSLATER FOR OSCE IN ELECTION’S   


 1994   ( two months)      TRANSLATER AS “SAVED PERSON” OF

                                    MINISTER  OF  DEFENCE OF ALBANIAN ARMY

                                                          CLOSE AMERICAN TROOPS                                                                                                          

1977 – 79                     SCHOOL FOR PHILOSOPHY

1968 – 1970                 AKADEMI OF ALBANIAN ARMY FOR MILITARY


II am author of 24 books publishing in Albania . Some of them there are translations from English language to Albanian.  I have been invited some times abroad Albania as writer and as journalist ( as free lance I have a  long experience) and am member of  the “ League of Albanian Writers and Artists”

I am married, have two children and live in Tirana.


My email address is

Mob tel      0035569 22 14 773

Home tel   003554237871


Some of my translations


“Last night I have whispered to a star” – from Persian Poet J. Rumi , considered as Dante of orient ( selected poems)


“The sky flow from my veil’s nook” – from Iranian poet Forugh Forughazd, considered as the best poet of women in all Iranian poetic history ( selected poems)


“Selected poems” of Francis Ledwidge, Irish poet, considered as the best lyric of the first world war ( published  completely in press but not as a book)


“The adventures of Mandy Duck “ – children’s work , of Eduard Bosse


Selected poems for children from British, American, Australian and Scottish poets ( in two volumes, publish in Albania and, too, in Kosovo)


“The angel of Mostar” – memories of British author Sally Becker

“ Nobody is angel”     - memories of British author Sally Becker, published in Kosovo


I have publish in Albanian language poems, stories, children ‘s works and a roman in 4 volumes. In my works there are three artistic books dedicated to Albanian pilots.






Shkodra Pictured With Bullets


I have a gunbelt filled with empty cartridges

I have collected them in the streets

I have collected them as hens collect worms

I have nothing to write with

In Shkodra you can not find neither paper

Nor fountain pens nor pencils

Only bread

Bread and Serbian ”Zastava“     (a type of Serbian revolver)

Today in Shkodra

With a credit note you can buy just one kilogram of bread.


„Where are you going?!  Turn back!

The curfew begins at eight o‘clock

But you really should turn back, its better to turn back

Why?  Its midday!  Can‘t you see?

Everyone is locked inside their homes

Turn back!“


„Let me be, please, I‘m begging you

Leave me alone, I‘m repeating, can you hear my plea?

I have frightening strengths that could break chains

No one in this World could stop me from seeing my Shkodra

Seeing how she looks without her laughter, without her poets, her singers

I‘ve come from far away to see my Shkodra

I‘ve come to kiss her.“


I‘m angry and I‘m weeping

I‘m weeping aloud without shame

I‘m weeping for my Shkodra

Where its forbidden to laugh after midday.


How astonishing…its so much as if

I‘m unconsciously standing in front of this tile from my home

Now I‘m holding this tile to my chest on which in reality

I‘ve written with one of my cartridges

Which I feel has rotted as my bitten nails carve into

This tile from my home

Which saw me being pampered

Which saw me as I grew into adulthood

Which observed me

Admiring in silence the hairs in my secret body places…


I‘m happy…Happy, because I have another cartridge left.

Who are you?  Pleading for me to come inside

Afraid of any stray bullets?

Are you…Are you my mother?

Oh Mother dear, the bullets have nothing to do with me

If I were afraid of the bullets

I should not have come to be in the midst of them from afar

Just to see my Shkodra

And you, my mother.


Let me be, Mother,

I‘m writing with this empty cartridge on the tile which was placed

On the occasion of your Wedding

Maybe this cartridge killed somebody

And now it is writing

How beautifully it is writing…

On the tile from your wedding

Do you remember Ma?  When you

For the first time crossed over this threshold

And you were dressed only in white

The merry wedding ghost

Put this tile to remember for ever

This special day?  Now

See how wonderfully this empty cartridge is writing and how

My hand is moving like an earthquake.

„Shall I come with you?“

„No Mum…turn back

Go to the kitchen and prepare me some bread and cheese

And don‘t forget – a very big onion, and

Afterwards a cup of tea

I‘ll not be late, but if

I‘m late

Take this key and

Keep it to your chest, You

Should open my suitcase which I brought last night from Tirana, I

Left this suitcase by our book case

Just above your wedding boy where you

Used to keep my poems long ago when

I used to fall asleep as I wrote them and you used

To be afraid that others

Would tease me and my poems

On nights I used to read them, and you

Used to guard them like the panther guards her kittens.

There, Mother I

Have locked inside something white.  I

Have locked inside

My Shroud.“


I‘ve now finished my second cartridge.


I have strolled around the skies and seas, but if

It is decided that I die today, please

Ask me, it is quite normal to ask a person about to die for

His final request.  I

Would like…Suddenly this cold to turn to Summer, and

To observe my Shkodra full of beachgoers, and me

Swimming on my back in the Banu     (a river in Shkodra)

Below willows and willows

Below Shkodra‘s citadel, full of eagles and seagulls, and

…My G-d

Take my heart, You

My G-d, If

You exist anywhere, come and

Take me but

In Paradise, please

Let me rest somewhere near Shkenderbeg.


Oh…So many shootings over the streets of Shkodra

Somebody is killed by a stray bullet, but

A wounded person is shot with 4 bullets

In hospital, on the operating table whilst Doctors are

Sewing his wounds.

Astonishingly this Spring

Neither the Linden flower nor the Magnolia has flowered

Nor the Mimosa this year and nobody has remembered that

Spring is the season of love.


Last night

Especially last night there

Have been

Awful gunshots, terrible gunshots…


I‘m walking like a somnambulist through the streets of Shkodra

Strolling around the empty veins of my birth city

It seems that i pain the criminals

And suddenly, in their hearts, seeing me almost crazy

Clemency awakes, some such delicate feelings of

Clemency can be found in the criminals‘ hearts who

In these moments

Have decided not to shoot me and I

Don‘t know why?


Oh my brothers – criminals, You are free

To shoot me.  Kill me my brothers, we

Are of the same blood and you

Should be sure in your hearts that nobody will revenge my death

I‘m disarmed and I‘m giving my honest word that I will not

Give my last breath



Still no one is shooting at me.


Tomorrow in Shkodra

A multi national troop force will come

Full of males.


This Spring people have only artificial flowers in their homes.


Very few flowers have bloomed this April or

At least I haven‘t noticed them

In fact I haven‘t seen a single flower anywhere.


Mother, I can‘t bear to see Shkodra

Without people without joking but

Full of gun shots coming from who knows where.



The helmets will pass below the railings full of beautiful girls

Very poor, very hungry.


Mother, now I‘m late and

Your tea is cold and

Maybe you have taken out my shroud.

Its for me, Mother, this shroud, You

Should go on to live another hundred years

Yes…yes…Another hundred years to show

For your handsome son – your son whose

Last will before his death was to swim on his back down the Buna

Below the citadel, below the weeping willows that stroke like violins.

You should explain to everyone

That this poor poet, your son, has gone to Paradise

And rests in a place somewhere near Skenderbeg

In Eternity

And is thinking, my son

Only for Shkodra

And only enjoying a certain kind of music

The clanging of the sword.


  -Riza Lahi

Copyright, © 1997, Tirana Albania









Down of linden flowers

As a breathless girl down of laurel’s greeness. Sharpshooters

Shoot on dreams of Korca and she

Could not feel for more gunshot sounds.


Nobody has wiped the narrow lanes of Korca.






















Killed on machinegun’s crashes…I

As a roma begger who afraids the loosing of his bread in his own poor bag.

I’m afraid that

From ome moment to next

Will get the finish of the air in my own room in hotel.


What  are these people shooting to Korca

To my pritty Korca, full of butterflying girls?


O, what terrible dolour I feel to these brides

Wich have no mor dolour to the Korca’s lanes wich, as never before in this life

Are today so dirty.


No more bride’s white vail cover the lanes of Korca.























Korca…Overflowed in troubles,

Overflowed on crashes wich

Stop just down the street’s lamps

Go tanks with

Iron paws fangs.

In the emptyness of my hotel

I’m hitting my head on the wall crying:

„Korca, if

They have decided to entom you


Spare some place

In your coffin

For me“.






         Night…Tirana…Admiration to melody of Hulio Iglessias




Suddanly the twilight went and I was walking on the grass

It’s magic to walk across the grass lonely

…Around me – a ribbon of fog is dancing

like a swn’s wing.

And…the moon like

The face of my bride int the night of our wedding

Is …is coming down …at me…in my own chest…I

To let her in sweet sleep

Pumper  with my breeth

Whistling „Natali“.


Suddanly the moon left my chest

And killed my wistle with a moon’s kissing…

Oh, what dolour I felt for the mountain

Who had no lips to whistle 

Like me


mothers’s dolour.


From the depth of the mountain – one terrible sigh:

„ O…my heart is so delicate like bear’s heart

Every night  I admire this pretty moon wich kisses your lips

But she comes and stay close you, becouse I

Don’t know haw sings…

How can I sing „Natali“…


The night went…

The grass’s hair insists to have me down in

This virgine bed, and I

Fondle „Natali“‘s hair.


The moon

Whitehearted as oll the world’s moon are

Started to sing „Natali“

And kills me with her silver rays, like

My bride kills me thousand times admiring

The pure admiration  of the girls around me to

Her own slave.


Oh, my beautifool daughter, do you know something?

To your fother has folen in love



Is the moon

Is the maiden greenery

The diamonds of the sky

As well

Just the mountain


Your fother is singin







(This poetry is in rhymes – Riza)



Out of confusions,streets, daily problems and out of oll troubles

Out of commercial projects, of sorrows, of bores

Comes to me crying, insisting to their part of my youth

The sounds of poetry in my loneli moments.


And I change, become  superhuman, sensible like one Jesus

And feel pain for everithing,as a boy who firstly foll in love

And bawl, like I were to have seven thosand hundred knifes in my flesh

And clench my fist,and chew my lips like massacred .


A part jewish, a part Chveik, a part feeble

So many people thought of me  traveling together

Have been my friends, my coleagues, my chiefs, my rivals…but they should be silent at all

If they should recognise my poems where I’m complet deciphereable.


But…my poems stay with me like Mslim woman in her own veil

With their divine covered – the copybook with lid

And …I enter the crowds laughing a little complicated

For somebody – a jewish, for someother – a Chveik and for someone halfstupid.






 So many shells at the seaside this year…

But…but, I could’n understand, why

Why does the seaside have so many shells

Just this year?


Why don’t the people like the shells as

They had loved before?


I’ll collekt a handful of shells

I will collect them like a greedy man will

Make a jewell box


A marvlous jewel box of shells, and…

Will go to trade them…The people

Will undestand  then

That with this unestimated and free shells

Anybody can make money…A lot of moneys, and so

They will visit the shore again

Only to collect the shells

In the sun

In the romantic sea freshness.


I could not see the seashore full of shells…They

Look at me as

Single maiden girls to whom

Anybody has thrown looks

Becouse they boys

Have gone far away, have emigrated.They

Look at me like

Relinquished pens

Poetic pens.





 I write every night poetries

On my lettres

On my blackness of the night’s carpet

Beautiffied with  rings of stars

And this torture

With so many knifes in my depth’s heart

Is so delicious.


I write every night heaving any answer…

One niht, I thought one solution:

Was very nice

Very cleaver

Very criminal.


…And the morning comes and I tored

oll my poetries and

throwed in the chest

of the wind.


Oh, the morning wind…

It started a vals

With my choped heart

So white

So white

So white

Like flowers of plums.




….Bloomed mimoses and I

was walking around the boulevard’s emptyness-

the twilight was gone –

why, my boulevard, you looks to me with a picture of a shooted being?

Where are your coupless, your loughts, your aloudddd greetings, your

Marvelous heaven of yourr loving ayes and your shameless lovers?


Around of angles – the groups speaking for policy – over them

The afflicted garlands of mimoses waved with love’s poetrye –

…but…Where is going this couple full of hilarities ?They

are walking  asking for nothing in this world, like walking in  a big forest…I

stop them – they, in moment look each other astonished:

what is this unknown who astonished them only to give a present –

a present hidded behinde –

a bunch of mimoses? – 1)

  They tell me that are fianced –

They remove, taking  out the mimosa’s slight plush of affliction.




Note: Mimosa, is a flower – simbol of love in Albania, called „stupid flower“; it blooms in february, when is winter yet. It looks like young  girls in love for the first time.





Becouse you are prepearing  to flee from Albania, to flee for ever

To let yourself  engulfed by the waves and nights

To let yourself engulfed  by the wawes and the wind

You, asking for nobody around, gave me this hot and slight kiss, but

I could discover – and nobody around – a  hided  tear in your eye.


At this moment,you were like kissing one coffing

Where you have entombet your Albania

Small Albania, poor Albania, thin and intimate…

May be me was inserted in this coffin

And you have decided to revive again by a kiss?  




A flower

A pritty flower

Left us for ever

But she didn’tforget

To let her smell around

Like a flying saucer

She got the clouds

But, what the place of her

To ground?

The wind answered

(Oh, the wind )

”She has gone to the roses

to frollic

and competite with roses

in Kazanlik“





I used to write a letter weekly

He use to answer in three

I used  to phone one time weekly

He use to phone me – three.


„ Each one of your letters“ he used to write

„Brings me Albania at once…

Each time you get lough

Like only you know

Oll my room is full of Shkodrans“


Passed a month

Passed the year

Without any letter of him

The next year passed, got on

 „What do you need „ asked me on night

his wife

and I slowly  closed the telephone





       (20 th of april, 1996, in aeroplane to Tehran)


It’s twelve of midnight

                                      Ten thousand meters , as bedens  (   top parte of the castel R.L.)

Only the light nouse of the motor

Oll the travelers sleep


And on my eyelids

The sleep falls as one monster

I try to pick up the monster

But he fallas up again… again…


But…only a girl goldhaired

Walks…looks fondly…

I, through my eyelashes

Am observing as one  phantom


As a phantom from Albania

From her folk – tales with fairyes…

”I’m a girl from orient

and on my lips  I have two cornels“


In my imagine she said

Walking slowly, veru slowly

And full of pain, smailing

Looks the foreingers sleeping…

 ”Can bring your sister, me, something to drink?

                     My name is Emine

You coulld’n arrest the sleep

In the jail of your eyelids“


”But…How you could understand?“

I opened my eyes , and asked

She only smiled , as fairies smile

And very slowly run away…


”What sould happen , Emine

if, in that silence, in midnight

Suddenly the motter to have a difect

Or a bomb , suddanly, if explodes?“


”I would keep your arm immediately

And, in the horror of  the cryings

My haires should transfere in wings

To get the world of angels


”I have seen him for the first time“

I will answere to the Great Allah

„he is ona angle, I’m not wronged

I brought him, keeping by arm


He wos astonished by love…

When oll were sleeping in airplane

He, as a bird wos waiting to observe

The first lights of Tehran






(Song composed from the best cant author in Albania ,M.Andrea)


One white cloud climbed down from Tirana

Brought your bride’s veil for the wedding

The red scarf woke up from the dreams

With million kisses from Elmars


 A geranium from the square of “Skanderbeg’s 

In your suitcase entered stealthily

Nearby waters of Riga you where alone like a moon

But the geranium got out suddenly…


The refrain


O Liva

Close waters of Riga

Should not stay like a sorrow moon

That stealth geranium with dove - wing petals

HE  has hided …only HE..


That eye of sky opened on your window

Is the eye coming from Valmira

- blue, hilarious, pretty, clever

Like a bird’s river o’er the sky


  June 2005


Short notes on the biography and the works of the Albanian distinguished poetess Yllka Ponde.


Yllka Ponde was born in the museum town of Gjirokastra in 1977. She attended the high school “Pandeli Sotiri” at her town of birth. Later she followed her studies at the University “Eqrem Ēabej”, Faculty of the Social Sciences, Department of Language & Literature. After her graduation she followed a specialized course for journalism.

For many years she has been working at the local TV “Gjirokastra” as a journalist. She has organized many emissions in collaboration with the Albanian TV (TVSH), as well many portrayals and sketches.

She is a member of the authors’ association “Pegasi” with headquarters in Gjirokastra, Albania, until recently holding the office of the Editor in chief.

The poet Yllka Ponde practices a stanza full of contrast and consistently keeps the reader in an elevated emotional state.

Her poetry is that of the survival of a spirit born to assert the cries of its sub conscience.

Yllka’s works:

1.“Unlikely to remain in my heart”, in Albanian language. The English version is in the process of publishing.

2. Another volume with poetries is in the way of publishing. 

Unlikely to remain in my Heart




“To be free” means:      

“To laugh when you feel like laughing.  


when you feel like laughing, to cry.

“To be free” means:

“To become a slave on your own free will…”

“To be free” means:

“To live by taking different shapes!”




Intoxicating – the aroma of love.

Excruciating – the thought of betrayal.

I – stand between…




I am spring and fall.

Spring: I feel happy and laugh.

Fall: I am cast down and keep silent

Don’t you believe?

Look at my eyes.

Melancholy and greenness

You will find there!





“The shore” is cheerless,

longing for kisses!

The waves have become scarce…






When the night sits on the day’s throne,

We find ourselves

close to each-other.


Roaming in the dreams 



Curse the dayspring,

While newly opening the deceitful eyes.





O dream, for a long time you have not come

to visit me bringing along my dear people

who I keep looking for!


Come along with them

                                     Some day

To pacify

                                     my troubled soul…



The Alphabets


His eyes I read

With my enamored eyes

Written were there in the letters of three alphabets

 affection, sincerity and gentleness.


Translated from Albanian by Dritan Kardhashi





Curriculum vitae


Personal Information:

Surname:              KEKO

Father:                  ALI

Name:                   RUSTEM

Birth date:            18.10.1947

Birthplace:            PERMET

Living place:         Lagja e Re, Pėrmet

Tel:                        003558132138

Mobil:                    00355692635038 


Education:     Graduate Diploma, the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tirana in 1970.

Actual profession:  Doctor 

Work experience:

                        -  1971-1978 Pathologist in the hospital of Pėrmet.

          -  1978-1981 Postuniversity specialization 1.Internal medicine, UT “Nėnė Tereza”,

          -  1981-1988 qualified therapeutist, hospital of Permet. 

          -  1988-1989 Postuniversity specialization 2, Endocrinologji UT “Nėnė tereza”,

 -  1990-2007 Chief of the Clinic of Specialities, hospital of Pėrmet.


He has written in many local and periodical newspapers and magazines

Original works:

-   2004: Libri: “Kontribut nė Urgjencėn e Medicinės Interne”    2004: The book: “ A contribution in the emergence of the Intern Medicine”.

-   2006: Libri poetik: “Dashuria, kėngė brenge...”   2006: “Book of poetry: “Love, songs of sorrow”

-  2006: cikėl me poezi, botuar nė Italisht nė Revisten Letraro-artistike: “Artisti a Confronto” (mottola (TA), ITALI.

-  2006: poetic cycle, published in Italian in the Literary-artistic magazine: “Artisti a Confronto” (mottola (TA), ITALI.

-  Tregimi: “Pėrbindėshi” botuar nė gazetėn letrare-artistike “Drita”  The story “The monster” published in the literary newspaper “Drita”

-   2007, cikėl poezish, botuar nė Anglisht dhe greqisht.  2007, cycle of poetries, published in English and Greek.

-   2007, Libri me tregime: “Mot me shtėrngatė”   2007, story book: “Tempest weather”

-   2007, libri pėr fėmijė: “Miq tė vjetėr”  2007, a book for children: “Old friends”

Editions abroad:

                          - Poetry in the literary anthology in Motola, Itali, won the special price.

                         - Editions in Magazines abroad, poetry in  English and Greek.

Postsuniversity qualifications abroad:


                - 1992 Postsuniversity qualification in the University of Ioannina (Greece).

                - 2002 Certificatė of postuniversity specialization from the Superior Institute of Health in Siena of Italy.


Foreign Languages:

              -   A good connossieur of Italian and Russian languages.




Rustem Keko

 To mother


You are the sweetest

  of all women in the world,

  you are angelic,

(Merlyn Monro).                                                                       

Mother, trouble-laden,

joy and tears together,

you ruffle my hair,

 “Are you tired, son?


The Father 

my dead father,

Looking at me with a smile.

From an old portrait.

I lowered my eyes

because of shame. Lacking spirit...

 “Raise your eyes, son!”

 Full of affection 

Father’s lips spoke.

 Tears, under the eye lids,

  became dry.

  my cold heart,


    Warmed the father.


The icon of Jesus with the heart like a Sun


 In the death bed                

 I languished for three days.

Scythe of Death scythed


The heart of Jesus,

mbi vete mė ndehu,                                                                

nga thonjt’ e shtrigės,

me gjak, mė rrėmbeu.


With the bread of Eastern,

Like a bird he fed me.

with the red wine

Dyed my heart


     In the verge of the adolescence


    Like a pearl of dew, under the sun

of time,

the childhood melted, with a shawl


And the yellow fluf, upon

the velvet  lips,

             mocks the sweaty and exhausted



A vague Memory

     I would never



the kisses

 Under the pines covered with snow,

  Neither  the words

full of passion,

Under the Moonlight,                                                                                                            




 Rose upon the  subsided


  Yearning and   heavy


  Memory of Serene.




Curriculum Vitae


Personal Information:

Surname:                 JANO

Name:                      JANAQ

Birth date:               27.12.1962

Birthplace:              Pėrmet

Living place:           Kėlcyrė, Pėrmet, Albania

Mobil:                      00355682605713


Education:        Graduate Diploma, the Faculty of  Agronomy, Tirana

Actual profession: Agronomist

Actual positions: Member of  Literary Association “PEGASI” Pėrmet, Albania, Member of Albanian writers’ Association, Head of the Branch of Literary Association “PEGASI” Pėrmet. Chief Editor of the Newspape “Rwza Prolog”

Literary editions:

1.“Paqja e prishur”  “Broken peace” novel, Tirana 2003

 2. “Mė keni pritur” “You have waited for me” Poerty

3. “Vallwzoj me yjet“Dancing with the stars” Poetry (In the process of editing)

4.  “Lejlekė nė dėborė” “Cranes in the snow”,  Fable (In the process of editing)

 5.    “As i vdeekur as i gjallė” “Neither alive or dead “  Poem


Taken active part in editing articles in everyday and periodical press in the literary and social field in newspapers “Pegasi”,  ‘Tirana Observer”,”Tema” , literary newspaper “Drita”, edition of Albanian writers’ Association etc.

Editions abroad:

Poetry in the literary anthology in Motola, Itali, won the special price.

Editions in Magazines abroad, poetry in  English and Greek.

“Mė keni pritur” “You have waited for me” (Poerty) won the third price in the competition “PEGASI” 2003

Scientific activities with subject :

-     “A point of view over the works of the Albanian writer, Naim Frashėri”, with the presence of the Persian style poets.

-     “Poetic activity about the poet Xhevair Spahiu, ex-chief of the Albanian writers’ Association.

-     Recessions about great voices in the Albanian Literature.

-    “Thrilling years” activity organized by the political persecuted people during the years of the dictatorship in Albania, where he wins the second price for his poetry: “ The sorrow of a fugitive”

Foreign Languages:

  He is a good connoisseur of Greek language, English and Italian.




Extended Knowledge over the Microsoft Aplications ( Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Ms Powerpoint, Frontpage, etc.) with Certificate.



Janaq Jano


Another new voice from Pėrmet


In the editions of the last couple of years, especially in those concerned with the field of poetry, Pėrmet has decided to provide this “table” with its poetic “jam”. In the cross of the word, the courageous running of the new voices attracts your attention, voices that do not resemble each other either in the technique they use or in the subject they treat in their verses. One of these voices is that of the newest poet of this region, the author Janaq Jano. Born in the village of Strėmbec in Pėrmet, a village with its foundations under the severe summits of Nemėēka, a graduate in Agronomics at the Agricultural Institute of Kamza, the author of this book has been in touch with poetry since secondary school.

Today he takes the courage to offer the reader a modest book. The book “You Have Waited For Me” shows the reader the delicate relation between the author and poetry. This can be observed mostly in the idea the author conveys in his first book.

Almost in all the pages of this book, in the inspiration engendered by love, in the hatred caused by injustice, in the allegory through the fable, the author wants to take the place of a truthful spokesman of uprightness, aiming in inculcating upon the reader the most meaningful message: “to put the human being on a pedestal”. Nowadays, when our country is in such a chaotic state caused by the transitory period of distrust. There is a need in this country we painfully call it “birthplace” for such messages. Like the plant that needs the light, water and azoth, we welcome such nurturing. 

As the editor of this book, I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to the author for creating such beautiful books.


Lumo Kolleshi

Head of the writers’ Association

“PEGASI” - Pėrmet




A property of the children


I see a child, an angel in life,

I wait for his smile.

He stammers something,

A portion of the sun stands in his eye.

All of a sudden I start to smile

It seems to me that the sun rises somewhere near

And the day is transformed into a melody

The choirs of the nightingales start their song

I stand……think……..philosophize…..

Life…? A beautiful dream as in a fairy tale


Does it belong only to the children?




In the centre of Athens a rare lady


A beautiful Greek lady beheld an Albanian boy

Into summer turned the winter in the two states.


Tall and handsome, a slip of a boy was he,

With her body shivering she kept looking at him.


She came near him and bestowed a smile,

He looks at her and forgets to utter a single word.


The demon of the soul that left her sleepless

Sought for him, but never found.


Days passed and the dream did not faint

In the heart of the Greek woman a sorrow made its place.


She went to the streets like a light bird,

Every single Albanian she asked and felt pacified.


A pretty Greek lady with her burning heart

Seeking her Albanian boy in the streets of Athens






Whoever wants to


An ass, while he was heehawing,

Saw a she-ass.

‘How beautiful she is,

Let me graze along with her for awhile’


He took the saddle off his back,

And ran towards her.

‘I shall cause her trouble, if she refuses.

I shall offer to marry her.’


Then he went to the lawn,

And rather gently addressed her:

- ‘nice place you have chosen,

Can I graze along with you for awhile?’


The she-ass, sated by hearing

These words for a long time,

This time she felt pleased,

And thought: “a good-natured ass”.


This matter can be settled,

Yet something else worries me

The foal that is going to come to life

Who would take care of him?


I shall take care of him; I shall take care of him!

He prided himself on

I will take care of him, sweetheart

Giving the loudest bray


Both in the lawn

Burning for love,

Crushing the grass unceasingly

Kissing each other passionately


How exhausted they were, yet did not stop

At last they separated,

The ass sat at one side of the bank.

The she-ass sat at the other.


Now, you my dear friend,

You know the trouble I have,

We are going to do this everyday,

Yet who would take care of the foal?



The ass, very exhausted

Scarcely spoke:

- Now that we finished what we had to

Let take care of it whomever wants to.

Silvana Hazati (Gjirokastėr)



* *  *


Forgive me !


I went like the wind,

 because it was a claud

on my horizon.

Life is very strange,

don’t you think so?!...

I love my life,

but I am never happy.

Forgive me!

I left you in a complete fog.

Forgive me once more!

So am I…

I will never

belive in love.


Silvana Hazati


1. I never sow the angel again

I don’t know the reason

but I was bored

I knew that I missed


but I hadn’t understood

what it was, until now…

I felt asleep.

Suddenly an angel

came into my room,

and smiled to me.

I was frightened

and I said “Go away”!

Then… I woke up.

It was then when I realized

that, the angel was you,

but it was too late.

He had gone with my dream.

I looked for him everywhere

but I never saw him again.


2. A hope…


Look into my eyes

you will see suffer and doubts.

It’s because of my past and

my present.

I have a hope…

Maybe the future would be





Islam Kalemi

* * *

Eh, years!

Eh, butterfllies!

Years full of nostalgjia,…

Years, l’m waiting you in the



-Zzz- zzz, - the wasp said to tell


to tell you the truth.

We are all the same

with a poison in th sting.

You are all thumbs

and made yourself equal to me,

but you forgot the honey, -

said the tireless bee.

“Waiting you ou the roal”

Poems ang fables

Translated from the original:

Mirela Dudi



Adelajda Buzo



Thousands of words

Decorated with the clarity of October’s afternoons,

Offspring of thoughts that come lightly and lead the world,

Clash between your teeth and explode on your lips,

Arranged by the destiny well-defining goal,

And I glow gladly in the glamorous glee…



I know you well,

The way you translate your feeling

In a profane and manhoodly embellished language,

Is devilry thought; to endow me with love – wings,

So that the wind of your stormy love,

Will easily lead me towards you.



My soul, this unreality,

Stays silently submersed in real bones,

Trying to respect the delicate harmony

Between two very different worlds…



As soon as I gladly begin to fly

with the love-wings that hardly accepted from you,

Suddenly I find myself trying to be dethroned of happiness….

As soon as your love succeed to sneak in my depth

With slyness and spermatozoidal speed,

Suddenly I become savagely infuriated…



There are thousands of darkened, dirty, stinking mice,

Miscast products of society’s superficial psychology

That moves hostility in my scatter-brained conscience,

Like dark clouds overloaded with centennial anger…


Adieu my love!

Is my hundredth time of saying “Adieu”,

I pronounce an “Adieu” that has deserted its sense

Since I secondly consumed it.


…Alone…silence…no messages…no songs…

It’s not my kind!


I need to see You!


I call you in silence…you listen

And another salute sprinkle on me,

Is your sweet hundredth salute,

-Bonjour mon amour, c’est encore moi !

And I submissively shiver melting in your male voice,

Swearing that I will never upset you again my love

     ………in a little while………


………Adieu my love!


My loneliness is now reminding our breezing dance,

Whispers plunging in our sky, illegal promises,

Laughter and drops, high tides and low tides,

Shocking the foundation of the graceful resistance,

Your solar embraces…my lunar grimaces…


You’re still not calling…!


The virtuous silence is leading again

The Time and the Space between us…

Mmmm, it was my last “Adieu”





Duro Shehu




The blue Caspian is bubling

embroiling the waves of the sea

The white feathers of a seagull

are flying the sky with me

It’s turning towards the east

light- hear tedly and in the

great joy something comes

to my mind my country with

its seashore

It’s been two years ago

since i have seen that

i wish to kiss only one stone

i mis it so much

The seagull flew away

towads the uncloundy sky,

What have you done to me?

My nostalgia wakes up

In the coas of Caspean

sea, Bacu august 1961



Alketa T. Ponde, Gjirokastėr


I want to get lost

in your arms


Songs of Yearning

I’m smoking a cigarette

and recall

the moments with you…

Like venom this cigarette,

bitter was the separation,

my heart

full of wounds, I know,

because within it

you exist and do not


no one could ever enter


no one



It is you sleeping...


My moods

No one but me knows how

much I suffer

because you are not in my


I do not know what to call


if you are awake, my heart,

please do send me a kiss

By writing;

If you are asleep,

I am sending to you my

hungry lip…

b. ….. (playing with myself)

O Stars, when?...

For thousands of times,

I’ve been praying to God,


when I will be able to see


those beautiful eyes…

they say God

is Great

what I was longing for

He brought it to me again,

that is why in your arms

I want to be lost….


Sinan Vaka

Personal Information

Name:              Sinan  

Surname:       Vaka

Date of birth:   04.01.1956

Place of birth:  Permet

Living place:   Permet“Sami Frasheri”Pallati 34/7


Profession: Teacher.

Actual position: professional writer, poet .Member of the Albanian writers and artists’ Association “PEGASI” .

Foreign Languages: Perfect knowledge of Italian.



University degree, faculty of Languages & Literature


Literary experience:

Defined by others:

1. “Nostalgia of  South West”poetic volume

2. “Abandoned road”

3. Poetic Antology (with Italian representative poets) translated in Albanian

 4. “Soul in wind” Poetic volume

Won the literary price “Lodixhan” in Lodi of Italy.


Sinan Vaka


The sigh


In the calmness of the night,

At the time when we think that rest returns the peace

And the trees spread the swish 

It happens often that tears wet the cheeks

And the soul sighs.



To the singer Ll.


When the dark grey ground starts its menacing roar,

I forget for a moment that I am in procession

In my lips I murmer, I am impatient

One of his songs, because the song never dies.







                                         CURRICULUM VITAE



Ēerēiz Myftari


- Poet, writer  Tepelenė, Albania

- Date of Birth:  27 December 1939


Some works by the author

- Lundėrtarėt, “The Boatmen” poem

- Fytyrėn lumi e lė nė det The river leaves its face in the sea (poetry)

- Gega i Labėrisė “The Geg of Labėria” (poem)

- Mė thėrresin engjėjt “The Angels are calling me”(poetry)

- Mbretėresha e bletėve “The queen of the bees” (Fairy tale)

- Prushit vatra e mallit (poetry)

- Njerėz tė fatit tim “Men of my lot” (impressions, sketches, stories)




E mail: cercizmyftari @yahoo. Com




                      Graduated in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tirana


Actual position:


- Member of the Writers’ League of Albania.

- Member of the Writers and poets’ Association “PEGASI”, Gjirokastra




- Articles published since 1960 and continuously in all the periodicals in Albania








How the years pass!

The years leave behind the grouth

Grouth leaves behind old age.

The old age

Prepares to pass away...



To live


To live means

To go away,

To leave behind poems means

To come back







The tree walks by the means of the fingers of the roots.

With the seed into the birds' beaks

And the leaves like twings

Have you watched it riding

With wind's loud rumble?

During my childhood I used to race;

as soon as i decsended from the top of the tree,

I saddled a branch

And rode it like a horse.





Since when they heard

The beats of our hearts,

The fence opened gates.

The dog softened its baying.

     The following writers are members of the Literary Association “PEGASI” Albania.  


LUMO KOLLESHI  (Secretary general)

 Born in Mertinj Permet in January 6, 1961, he has finished his postuniversity studies for Language & Literature in some villages in the northern Albania, Puke. After the graduation he has worked as a teacher of Literature and by the time being he is a teacher in the high school “Sami Frasheri Permet“. He is the president of the writers’ Association, branch of Permet as well secretary of the writers’ Association “Pegasi“. He is the director of the publishing house “Fjalet e Qiririt“. His poetries are publicatedin several magazines like: “Zeri i Rinise“, :“Zėri i Rinisė“,“Drita“,“Nėntori“, etc. He has publicated many volumes with poetries like: “Mars“,“The Owl confused“,“Return from the Dead“ with which he has won the first price in the competition “PEGASI“, “Pouring of Thunders“, Resignation of The Tiger“, “Perspiration of The Poet“. Soon will appear is novel: “Time without licence plate“. On March 2007 appeared the Volume with Essays and comments “From one athuor to the other“, assisting the teachers and the students of the high schools. Parts from his creative work have been published in foreign languages like Italian and Greek. He has participated in the international competition on poetry held in the city of Motola, Italy and the competition on fable held in Athems Greece, where he has been honored with the third price for fable.


            Additional information:

            Address: Lumo Kolleshi Lagjja “Teqe“ Pėrmet. Tel fiks: 08132502, mobil: 0682885721.

           Of Albanian Nationality, Living place: Pėrmet, Profession: Teacher of Literature.

            Civil Status: married. He has two children.



The tars weep

Bring me a glass

To gather these tears


Someone whispered:

“The bee died”

I ran but I never found its grave.


Old clock

The hands strive to eat each other

Time remains in the eyes of the blind.


Modern hairdresser’s shop

Old heads not far in the distance

Push each other in the line for wigs.


Split ripen pomegranates

In the traffic lights of the boughs

Cold rains melt away upon them.


One night I slept with the snake

I felt terribly cold

In the morning I had become Laocoön.


House of a spider

The fly comes to deliver official well wishes

A house or a grave?


Loaded with stars

The date’s bough broke

The stones of the alley get wounded


No permissions for building in the offices of spring

The swallows

Inaugurate the illegal houses.


The bloody night

Butterflies come to die in the light

In my studio.


A beggar in the street

Called me a “Gentleman”

While in my pockets I had nothing but my soul.


At the rock spring bed

The thirst put its lips

The beautiful girls broke the ewers.


Peace often hangs the bloody shirt

At an olive bough

How many young seedlings do not grow to become old.




When you are absent


You look for me there where I am not

I await your failure to come.

Only mountains never meet

They separate passes and gorges.


I am amazed with my heart

How does it not cease beating in solitude?

A flower blooms in the cold wind

The rainbow opens its door in the rain.


In the eclipse of the sun I search for light

And I do not know where I shall look off

You enter suddenly, and the grudges

Melt away like dew in May.







Born in Badėlonjė of Pėrmet in June15, 1947. he has finished his university studies for Language & Literature at the teachers-college: “Luigj Gurakuqi“  in Shkodėr later on he has attended a postuniversity course for Literature in Tiranė. In 1987 he has published his poetic book: “Nata e bardhė“ „White night“. In 1999 he published the book: “Guri i plasur“ “the ckracked stone“, stories. In 2002 has published:“Miq ju pres“ “My friends, I am waiting for you“ and “Ylberet e yrave tė mia“. In 2004 were sent to press  two boks with poetry, named “Dua tė puth“ and “Do tė ikim qė kėtej“ “we shall be leaving this place“. I n 1996 was published the volume with poetry:“Trokitje nė bosh“.



Dhimitėr Miti




Never having the chance


A due moment?!

A happy life?!

A beautiful meaning?!

And never have a chance to kiss?!



The swallows came


The swallows returned from the warm lands

And a stick they brought for me as a present,

New glasses for my wife,

New epitaphs for the grandmother.

And some oil for the key of the door

Which has begun

                            tTo become rusty

(Taken from the volume “Knocking in vain”)





Additional information:


Address: Dhimitėr MITI, Lagja e Re, Pėrmet. Tel. Mobil. 0693126048, fax: 08133414,

Nationality: Shqiptare. Living place: Pėrmet. Profession: teacher of language and literature.

Civil status:  married having two children.

 Anila Mihali



To give birth to verses



Late from the verse that

So much tormented me,

I enter into the warm bed sheets,

I am sorry sweetheart,

I murmur in his arms

Covered with his body

And the warmness of the bed…

I am sorry, it was a difficult delivery.





The child plays on the computer

He enters into a castle, looking for a princess,

He already wins the game, and becomes a king

How soon he found happiness, how soon!


The adults

They go on looking for happiness

The day disappoints them;

The night pardons them a little

If they were to turn back the childhood,

The gods of the old world!



There where the borders divide


There where the borders divide

… Up to there the mother sees her daughter off

The shadow of the sharp beam

Like an apple divides the day…


Drunken steps continue their way

The eyes stretch the hands of glance

And they ask:

“Until when with tears and yearning

We shall pave the paths of emigration?!”



Oath of love


One at a doorsill and the other at a door

They kissed thirstily as before.


The years forgot each other

Love did never forget what it promised.


The moment shed light to a memory

It rode the love.


A long way full of suffers

Heart broken to pieces…



One at a doorsill and the other at a door,

They did not burst like the glass of wine.





The knocks of the stick on the ground

Like the beats of the clock in the room

Like the beats of the heart in the chest

Like the drops of rain under eaves.


All the ‘tic-tac’ sounds disappear

At the endless road

Arduous you scold ferociously

While resting upon the stick…



The flowers


The rose, the pink, the snow flower,

Which of them I hold closer to my heart

I cannot say which.

I feel pleasure in cutting it.


I marvel beyond reason

When they offer it to me

The rose, the pink, the snow flower…

Which of them is more beautiful?

I do not know.


The beautiful thing becomes more beautiful

Only when it comes from you

I do not know what made me drunk

The flower, the hand or the heart that broke…






Enkelejda Tahiraj




Sweet, salty, dear,

Bitter too

The sea, a witness of the epochs

In eternity.



* * *

We lost through vanity

Through empty time,

We closed our eyes

Close to the beauty,

Close to the word: "Temptation"…







Donika Stasa (Domi)


From the volume  "I caught the dream"



The garden of poetry


I entered in the garden of poetry

And I felt marvelled

In every bough of a stanza

There flowed a bluish river.

It refreshed them, revived them

Only this river of fantasy.

I entered without knocking,

without knowing where I was entering,

but I remained there

I didn't feel leaving that place.





I sought, hoped but in vain,

what I wanted I could not find them in you,

ah, no, sorry, I almost  forgot

I found the dissapointment for my eyes.




Haxhi Kalluci


“Let my tears drip slowly”


 “I caught the poets sleeping “





The man

Who is able

To do something,

Needs a string,  

And a needle  


And his anger,

Can sew

And unsew

The whole world.





Demir Korita Fier




Life is hard


Lucky is he who can face it

                   And come out alive in the shore....








Kondi Ilia (Pėrmet)




I threw the melancholy away,

I watched the time clearly,

in the harsh season 

I changed the colors

I asked from life a portion of luck.






The night bestowed the virgin moon,

The sun bestowed rays,

The rain besgtowed the streams,

The sea bestowed the waves,

The shore bestowed the sea, God bestowed the peace

I bestowed the kiss which caused the earthquake.






Xhafer Korro




It reigns hanging over a rock,

it retains its greenness in winter and spring

Its pleasant ardor spreads everywhere,

It narrates peace and love.

Princes, kings and paramours,

Make garlands with laurel leaves,

They all adore it for

The aroma and the color of life…

You, o laurel, are the symbol of Friendship, 

You narrate the garland of glory

With your smell I kiss love

Upon your breasts, where the leaves stay,

They put the laurel into the dress’s pocket

Its aroma assembles the brave men of the mountain,

The boys and girls always kiss

The green laurel with ardor…






The poor mother, she abandoned her little birds out in the snow,

The wintry season of life like the scythe, it reaped them,

The birds open their beaks babbling

Day and night they cry and shed tears.

Tears flow like the water of rungaje…

They became,

Upon the mountain, like the high barren peak upon the fountain spring

They became a sea, and roamed me

The falling rain reminds me of your tears.

I cannot see the sun when it rises

Tears and rain do not cease.

The last drop of tears like the spring water

mbi faqe rrjedhin, si shi prilli.

Your tears like the summer's rain,

Like a stream in the spring, upon the face and boson,

Like the dried land absorbs the rain

Mos vallė ke etje tė madhe dhe ti?











The wind of freedom brings along spring everywhere,

Leaves and flowers blossom simultaneously,

The earth breathes, the humanity gasps.

Freedom is life and the joy itself.



Hope is the breath,

It vivifies everything on earth,

It makes man fly above the clouds.

And look upon the future with a bright look…



Taken from the book “Nostalgia of the years”

Katerina Kulo, the spirit of the wellknown group “Jonianėt“ of Saranda, is the typical representative of the most famous folk singers of her generation, but she is distinguished even as a bard  who carries extraordinary energies and this owing to her smiling, humane, and free spirit. She drops bouquets of verses and adds to them radiance with her melodious voice ... This  “duetto“ has its origin in the birthplace called Zagori, where the Mothers used to teach their daughters how to sing and weave verses as well... Naturally, there is no region in the world, with such a great percentage of talented people in the making of briliant and conspicuous verses ...


At this small bosom,

like a drop of tears...



1.Would the sea drain by the means of a spoon,

would the heart run out of songs ?


Who sings so passionately?

Do you say a golden song?

Who sings with the fire of the spirit

Sing along o you Jonians, sing!

A sea breeze blows

Like the waves the verses of the poet...

Who sings with the notes of the spirit

Mother brought us up to sing!

Who shoots, becomes a bride?

With those lips like two buds?

Sea breeze, mountain breeze,

Nature gave us as a gift...

Sing songs with Jonians,

Dancing like an oread

It befits you, o Saranda,

The field powwows with the mountains!

As long as the sea lives,

the song remained in the lips...

Would the sea drain by the means of a spoon,

would the heart run out of songs

there is plenty to be said,

saying never ends!


2. An Oread In The Northern Breeze


Eh, hello, Liljana Ēarka,

in the stage you are flying ,

 dressed completely in white,

 what could stop the butterfly ?...


Your dance, what a beauty

Dance, dance o ballerina,

a „zagorian“ fly ,

an oread in the northern breeze...


Bravo, o you bravo,

you have inspired the mountain’s breeze,

None would be able to reach you,

in your dance the aroma of tea..


3. Honey in the flowers and honey in the songs


There where the song is weaved,

with the symbols of Dhembel,

Mother teaches you singing,

the verses resemble the sunrays...


Behold how nicely sings Tefta,

how Vasiliqia weaves verses,

what a radiance Rovena brings to the stage,

Zagori a rainbow of the song...


The face of Margarita shines while she sings,

Eftimia weaves verses

Mimoza heads the wedding,

A blessing from God...


Ēajup is amazed today,

With the room full of poets,

Verses like honeydew he brought,

lightings come out of the clouds.


The song echoes in the valley,

The flower tells it to the flower,

Honey in flowers and songs,

Long live  Zagori,  Long live!



4.  A day that would never be forgotten                                              



Talk to us, o mother, a single word,

To listen because we yearn

(To hear the rare voice)

(Days have passed since we parted),

Today you have come to Llambi,…

How did you change your attitude this time,

How was that that you did not utter a single word?

To ask them one by one …

How were they,

The children how are they?

Neither Afro who stays close to you,

You took the trip for her sake,

Talk to her as the mother talks to her daughter,

You took the way for the wedding,

As Afro had the wedding of her daughter Alma,…

But you stay reassured,

Because we finished the wedding

And Alma got married,

We sang your song

We became, stronger and learned patience

The way, as you taught us,

With all those troubles, you have been through.

O mother, o you good mother

You used to say to me: “cry for me your best…”

But I cannot cry for you;

I cannot cry for your troubles,



5.    O  Saranda,   steps – steps,

              up stands the mountain and down the waves!



                             The goddess of the Mediterean


O you  Saranda,  set in ranges,

For God’s sake, who sculpted you?

God Himself with his hand,

by the sea He embroidered you...


        He handpicked Saranda,

      Shaped her like a theater.


On the mountain slope you remain stately,

As in the bosom you stay,

The sea,  waters your roots,

As on the mahogany you stay extended!


            O  Saranda,   steps – steps,

              up stands the mountain and down the waves!


O Saranda covered with prettiness,

With your Beauty you fascinate the world,

You remained a shining Bukovil ,

The four seasons are like spring!


      O Saranda, the most beautiful on earth ,

     The goddess of the Mediterean!


O  Saranda,   steps – steps,

O you weared in gold,

The sea laughs and plays with waves,

Lucky is he,  who comes to you the first!


O  Saranda,   steps – steps,

up stands the mountain and down the waves!


People have a saying,

Near the sea, or near the king,

We take the chance to wish you

Enjoy the University!

          O beautiful Saranda  over the waves,

          To us you are like a  pearl....


O Saranda  unique upon the earth:

goddess of the  Mediteranean!

                     Saranda,  September  2006



6. As the mountain comes to the mountain.


Angels,  that do not sleep!



(Song dedicated to the son of Zagori Dr.Pr. Assoc. Vasil   Bici)


You were borned there where the language was born

There,  where the muse was inspired,

And you took heavy steps,

Because you resemble your grandfather!

   You furtunate Zagori,

   You brought to life sons,  and brought up stars.

Over the cradle of Zagori,

Your mother sang your troubles,

In the sleep of the childhood,

Your grandfather caused your dreams wake.

My son, o my son,  apple of the eyes of your mother,

May you be like your grandfather, that is my wish!

Crystal, like the waters of  Gjineci,

In you,  the supreme will kept growing,

You worked,  never felt exhausted, 

Until you received your Masters degree!

   You digged stones and lumps

   On the roads of Albania.


Cheerfully the town waited for you,

On the job of the  Prefect,...

Perhaps we overjoyed,

That you choosed that direction?

O you Friday of April 2,

   You cut the life of Vasil away!

Your absence is present at the University,

The auditoriums are waiting for you,

The Albanian letters are asking for you,

To be written by your hand!

The tears are not dried yet,

Come because your friends are waiting for you!


Whenever the members of the chair discuss,

In the department of Languages,

Friends direct their eyes at you,

“Does Vaso have an opinion!”

Smiling at the table

Somewhere far you flash a glance...

O my friends wherever you are,

My dear wife, you o my children,

A last will, I’ve left to you,

You know my weakness!


  The last will, the earth cannot dissolve,

  Raise ,Vasil, raise...


Ah,  o  God  what you did,

Vaso had much work do do,

You took him there in the heavens,

To remain alive in eternity!

The tears have not dried yet,...

Come, your friends are waiting!

Your sons, o Zagori,

Those, who loved you dearly,

Hold them tightly in your bosom, o you mother,

The angels that never sleep!

They will come back again, when they feel blue

As the mountain comes to the mountain!                                                      

Saranda,  September  2005.












-              Homage to the creation –


-              You seem to me, my friend, your age like that of a boy, your tounge like an eel, your power like that of a horse.

-              You might say, what do I hear within me. Sometimes we splurge because we are not used to flaunt.

-              What a fertile grape-vine you are!

-              Only three children from my side. I have not climbed over other people’s yards. Sometimes I do not know why I find myself in the cafeteria saying: What kind of man am I, you unlucky, they beat you black and blue with  two glasses of raki.

-              Crazy thoughts. You devour the raki and the glasses. Are you not the person who wrote the famous verses like Khayam which should be hanging on the walls of every tavern:


If  I had  the power of God,                                              

I  would have made the world in the shape of a barrel

                                                      Debine and razaki I would put inside

                                                      To make the strongest raki, then drink it .


The glass  enjoys the spirit,  the wife troubles you, the beloved makes you happy. That beard of yours seems to be saying something. As the wisdom planted it, only chewing should  supplement the mindset and excellence.

-              Even like this, it does not matter, says the neigbour’s wife.

-              Ahaa, what are you engaged in at the moment?

-              I create, revise, hope. Many  times hope is a lie, which we are in need of. I get down to work on the folk medicine.  I have prepared a medicament with herbs, that  prolongs  life and virility. What do humans seek more? The Hungarians have a traditional drink, made of fourty kinds of herbs. One, with fourteen kinds of herbs can be found  in our country. I have prepared the WORKING MIRACLE. What are the herbs of the doctor Arqile Boti, or the physician of the empire, who is commemorated every year in Turkey? And the androllogist Tahip Roēkallari, delivers some lectures... and by shaking water with the dust from clothes, waits for the butter to come out.

-              Well done! That is what comes out of the pleasures of life. And what more?

-              I want to analyze some things of the philosophy of the ground floor. I want to explain what they say: ia bėri tetė me dy e s’ia bėri shtatė me tre. I want to explain what they say, that se i vanė shtatė e nuk i vanė tetė. : I want to explain what they say: the third is the truth; they do not say the first is the hand cleaned. I want to clarify what they say: war is seven tricks and one brave action. Why don’t they say war is one trick and seven brave actions? I want to explain what was said: the wolf with a bell around its neck instead of the wolf with the balls.

-              Bravo!

-              Why, for instance, does man have thirty -four teeth, and not fourty-two?

-              I think they are thirty-two, Maestro?

My teeth have fallen long ago, and I do not remember them. What's the importance of it, you rotten old man. You say, why are there thirty-two? Only those are needed, that is what the box can keep.

I want to be a VOICE in CHILDREN’S LITERATURE. I have prepared a volume of scetches, like: “CLEVERNESS OF THE TAIL OF THE BLACK FOX”, “BENEFICIENCE OF THE TEETH OF THE WOLF CALLED LARUK”,  “THE NUDE TURTLE, “TWO COUSINS”: RED DRAGON AND WHITE CROCODILE, FLIGHT OF THE GREEN WOLF  WITH A  FALSE PASSAPORT, THE BEAR WITH DENTURES, THE SERVILE LION”... ECT. For my pleasure and for the others’ satisfaction, I have adapted animated films. I do not know why the director Artan is delaying them. Translated in English perfectly by professor  Xakja. You gentleman! To my opinion there are three kinds of compositions: composition, CRIME (at present), WORM (at present). There are three kinds of readers. Based on a test, done by the world organisation SENJEF. 85% of Albanians, if they read, would have been snobs, 10% xenophobes, and only  5% become ‘bobė’ (well-wishers for Albanian cause).

-              Fantastic, fantastic, but what does the old passion say?

-              I am dealing with some old forgotten songs. For my pleasure and for the others’ satisfaction, I have collected them under the title: THE ANCIENT UNDERGROUND WELL.  AS ONE MIGHT SAY I stir the ash and blow the ember. I have orchestrated songs, such as: 'ULULU-BUBULU', 'JANI, JANI, KOLLOPANI', 'MOS MA MBURR, MOS MA LĖVDO', 'XHAXHI-XHIXHI KONDURA'... ET CETERA

-              What about those in minor “la” and major “do”: throughout the stages wandering, bulls with emasculated minds bark, pellmell throughout the stages, the mare bleats and cannot be maintained?

He smiled while concentrating at one point, or as he says, fasten your eyes at a point, and as it happens often to the authors and the researchers, he said proudly:

-              Perhaps my passion is greater. You know, the place of my inspiration is the tavern. For my pleasure and that of the others, I have orchestrated many songs, such as: “TRA-LA-LA and BLA-BLA-BLA” or “BLA-BLA-BLA and TARNANA.” I have entitled them 'KĖNGĖT E ULĖRIMĖS' (SONGS OF THE SHRIEK), or 'KĖNGĖT E SHIRJES SĖ GRURIT'(SONGS OF THE WHEAT THRASHING). I have mixed them with jazz and they have become completely Americanized. They are perfect. Many new singers begged me to cooperate with them. How soon does fame spread. The calls, letters, faxes do not stop. A group of FANS  follow me everywhere, like bodyguards. At night in front of my home, they sing my compositions, like once they praised the operas of  Verdi.

One day I recieved a message from my mobile phone: HELLO, YOU DRUNK OWL. What  jealousy!






You know  by now that I have visions from time to time. One day, it seemed,  I saw Napoleon Bonaparte. Instead of greeting him, I recited a poem I created long ago. It was inspired by the book: “The NAPOLEON of Tarle”:


Stately Emperor,

with the flag in your hands you struggled at the front,

And the sun of  Austerlitz,

Shined as never before.

 Missiles that shone,

Enlightened the battle-legend,

A hundred kilometers far away

                                                                                 perfectly reflected in the sky.


As I finished he said:  “Perfume for the dead”. Mr. Emperor, I said, your life was a miracle. I am concerned about three questions: It is known now  your origins are from ‘Lumi i Vlorės’. What will you do with Albanians if  you become an emperor? He said: “It would be difficult, because Albanians here boast like emperors and creep like worthless servants. My great-great-grandparent Nazif Polo Leonardi, from where my name is derived: NA-PO-LEON (NAPOLEON), because of his mischievousness,  left Albania for Sicily then later to Corsica”. You, Mr. Emperor, always raised your voice: I, I, I. –With the EGO inherited by you and some others, some sergeants make wonders. They who write for themselves, as if  they  were generals.  The enemies at the end of the wars, created for you a very peaceful time, to write volumes for the EGO and beyond the EGO. Why did you not go into this battle with might and passion?  He said to me: “Glory has more value when others write it. Nevertheless, it depends. Some GREAT MEN of your time have writen for themselves such as Hitler, Churchill, George Bush (the father), Bill Clinton,... Whose glory can be compared with mine?

- Then, laughingly, he said: - Ooo, you people! Have you not heard it yet that  “THE GLORY OF THE GREAT IS A NIGHTMARE OF THE HUMAN SOCIETY?”  Mr. Emperor, I said to him, you gave me opportunity to speak on the subject. You have been a seer and you have said something for the sleeping lion (China). What do you say for our time? He said to me: “An abyss between two heights will be surpassed”.

I have another question.  “ You have finished the military college for artillery. How would you evaluate aviation? Let me ask the other Napoleon. - he said to me. – “Which one, I said, because I did not understand you.”  - “My image of the war”.  He says that aviation is a flying artillery, and he would have won every battle. He says: “The world without aviation would be like my war in RUSSIA. The world with flying metallic predators, is three times worse than Waterloo.” He says that had it been possible, he would have become a pilot. Your image, I said, has fought many battles. I do not know whether he was ever wounded. He said to me: “Napoleon was wounded in the head in peacetime.  He entered the war in order to take revenge. Curiosity drives me to ask another question. You talk about the Napoleon of war, then who are you? He said to me: “I am the alienated Napoleon. I dismantled the EGO along with the body. If I were in France now, I would bring strange ideas into life.  I would want to be a governor of Paris. All the people knew how much I loved Paris. Later, when I finished with the things that I only knew, I would have prefered to become a baker”. Perhaps, for the first time, the Emperor  became tearful. Where are you? I asked him. “Where should I be, he said, - leave it, I, too, would want to ask you a question that needs no answer: WHEN ARROGANCE AND MEDIOCRITY  MIX, WHAT MIGHT BE  THE RESULT?”...





- Homage to the wisdom –


- Many times the FATE raises you up like the falcon raises its prey.

- THE GREAT PEOPLE have not saddled the mountain, but the THRONE horse.

- THE GREAT PEOPLE  always languish from the sufferings of glory.


Until late at night a light oppposite us had not closed yet its eyelids. There He worked, the great scholar of biographies of the GREAT PEOPLE. Perhaps due to  neglect or perhaps culture, a handful of hair hung behind his head. The hairs of the face, those under the nose and those of the beard, grow and interwine carelessly. A German proverb says: Knowledge does not stay within a beard. The hair does not think. Anyhow. He always keeps a coat with fattened pockets, like small shoulderbags with books and notebooks. He is slightly crooked and one cannot understand his figure without his old characteristic dossier swollen by the books. He has two pairs of glasses: those for the road to distinguish objects and those for the road in the books. He is always lost in thoughts, always observing more fantasy than reality. He always explodes in surprise when his articles are published in newspapers and magazines. His name is seen in the prefaces of many books. For many years he has worked as an editor in a publishing house. He has not produced his book, yet. There is a life in the capital. "The capitals,”says the deep scholar, “are the generators of civilization."

I, a student in sociology, come from the province. I live in a room with a friend. By chance, we met together. Tomorrow afternoon, we meet at our cafeteria, located on the right side of our block. The great biographer, always takes a mixture and a senile coffee. My tall friend takes short coffee while I prefer grapulen (grapėn). Professor, I say, last night something important kept me sleepless all night. Too much work, professor, really too much. “The problems you research,” says the tall man, “are rather important for the  WAY OF HUMANITY. Look at the GREAT PEOPLE of the country. Perhaps they did not want to rest so long but it was the insistance of the party. And the party sees far into the distance like the wolf and takes deep roots like the Oriental jade tree. You often say: “THE GREAT PEOPLE are the FATE OF HUMANITY”. He has vacationed in Majorca, Antalia and  Miami; he has drizzled in Bollmut and some islands beyond England. You know how the GREAT PEOPLE are. For those who are arrogant in extreme, there is an island in the Mediterrean, somewhere near Crete, called Dėnglaraqis. He has been there, too. However, the party, seeing the heroic efforts of the great man, want him to go on vacation and get lost in the magic island of Kakashurra which is beyond Japan. (The Lady and others follow him). Eeeeh! THE GREAT PEOPLE  deserve to taste not the honey but the bee nectar and the choicest of foods. The inheritance of power within a family and among loyals is a beautiful habit. Inheritance of power is TRADITIONALLY GOOD VIRTUE.  “MIRĖSI UNIVERSALE TRADICIONALE (M... U... T...).”

The great scholar gulped a little from the ‘kaēurel’ as if he wanted to lubrificate his throat. With his eyes he concentrated on the cup. He said: “THE GREAT PEOPLE always remain GREAT, fantastic, enigmatic. Last night I tried to analyze the spiritual condition of Emperor Nero, who wore animal skins when he attacked and touched their delicate parts”.

Absolutely Professor, I said, this is essential. It must come to light, what made the emperor wear the skins of wild animals and not domesticated ones. This is really interesting. “Since we talk about the Roman  Empire,” says the tall man, “the passion of Emperor Caligula, for chosing his horse as a  counselor, is it not phenomenal”? “Yes, yes, yes – said the great scholar, - what jewels from the GREAT PEOPLE have we inherited. THE GREAT PEOPLE are and remain GREAT. How fantastic they are. Neither can we reach them nor can we understand them. Who knows how the world would be without them.”




the Artist and the money



-              To the anonymous inventor, THE MONEY, did not call  him my inventor, but my slave.

-              Glory is a glass of wine. When you are still alive, you do not know if  you drink it or not; when you are dead,  the others drink it in your honor.

*     *      *

-              The artist remains an artist,  said Balil.

-              Not all of them remain artists,  said Armando.  Life has shown, that many people in the begining  are mad to become artists. When they finish their studies, they move from one place to another. Some get into the business of trade, some the business of politics and some the business of justice.

-              If you consider it deeply, said Gentian, MONEY is the greatest temptation. If it bargained with death, how different life would be. But the fact is that life is tolerant, it treats rich and poor equally, but death is firm. So, as this is the fact, MONEY  stands above everything. It gives you the beautiful clothing, beautiful home, beautiful work, the beautiful pleasure. Since we are talking about ART,  MONEY COMMANDS IT, TOO.

-              This is true,  said Kastėn Balili,  that a distinguished, yet unheard of, Frenchman, Christopher Gluk, if I am not wrong, when he was asked about three of  his precious things, the first he put the MONEY, next the wine, afterwards the glory..

-              Well, said Armando without money you cannot take a step. DO NOT COVET MONEY, the moral of feebleminded people. There are stages, my friend. You must have MONEY to study,... you must have money to make a name, you must have MONEY to make MONEY. Does Glory acknowledge theb taking of a  bribe, said  Gentian.

-              Without doubt, said Armando. Do you really think that THE GREAT deserve decorations on their shoulders? MONEY is the soul of everything. It tastes bitter, but this is the truth. On the facade of a house was written: MONEY and SEX.

-              Look,  said Balil, you did not let me finish the phrase at the end. When they asked the composer:  “What, you put the MONEY first?  he answered quietly: “Yes. With MONEY I buy the wine, the wine stimulates the inspiration, the inspiration gives me the GLORY ”.






What coincidences are there in life! There are places with the same name, there are people with the same name or surname, and so on...


Is it Juliet?

-              Yes.

-              I am Rosaline. I have heard that you and Romeo are strongly tied together. He used to be my lover. But when I became aware of  his perverse intentions, I left him. I advise you in order not to suffer like all those unfortunate girls  who have fallen prey in the traps of  malicious men.

I am not in need for advice, said  Juliet. He is a fellow of fashion and modern times. We love each-other despite oppositions of old blood feuds between families that have risen like prison walls. Yet love becomes a bird and cannot bleed in the wires, love becomes a tremor and turns those impediments into crumbs. I am not Juliet of the Shakespeare’s tragedy, confined within the walls of the castle. I do not know what I am doing. I want to live my life the way I like. If for Romeo I am the golden princess, he is the golden prince for me; if he considers me as his most precious pearl, I consider him my most precious jewel. We have surrendered our hearts to each other forever. We know who we are and where we are going. Please do not disturb me anymore with provocations and jealousies.

She turned the mobile off and kept thinking for a moment: “Might it be true? Why didn’t Romeo tell me about his love affair with Rosaline? Here is a confusion that must be solved.” She could not wait to meet Romeo. The long hours tormented her, but at last the moment came. Thus, with a trembling voice and rage she told him. Romeo pretended to be amaized. He told her he knew Rosaline but had no romantic interests in her. On the contrary, he said, it was Rosaline who followed me. (in Shakespeare's play as he wrote it, it was the opposite. Some relate the fatality of the second love of Romeo and Juliet with the betrayal of the first love by Romeo to Rosaline). Eeeh!...

The cloud of doubt moved away and melted. Against the will of the two families, the lovers left and crossed the sea. Love does care about seas or tremors. The travelling honeymooners stopped in Italy. They did not raise their nest in Verona like the tragic heroes of Shakespeare, but in Naples. And... I cannot say it, o people! Eeeh!... Their honeymoon turned into gray December days. The golden prince began to tarnish...her precious jewel was transformed into the eyes of a shark . Ooh, oooh! Precious Romeo began to beat Juliet, held her captive in her room and threatened her with her life. He forced her into prostitution. What was this disaster?! What was this catastrophe?! Juliet spoke to herself: “Where is the resemblance between us and those of Shakespeare? What is the use of thinking about death when I am far from that?! I do not want to become a prostitute, nor am I willing to die. Perhaps I shall find the power to overcome this punishment.” Held captive in her room, she waited for fate to rescue her. She wrote a note wrapped it in a crust of bread, and tossed it out of the window. A pedestrian picked up the piece of paper, opened it and read the message: “My husband(tutor) has turned me to a prostitute. I live in the third floor of this apartment, my window overlooks the street. Please tell the police. Please save me, please, please!” (More or less, this was the note written in Italian).

The well-wishing person did his job and the police did theirs. The action was brief and unexpected. Romeo was arrested and put into handcuffs. Afterwards, Juliet returned to her country. Parents, ... what should they do? With a bittersweet joy, they waited for their daughter who came back from the grave. Juliet remembered Rosaline many times, but she lost her mobile number. After all, what would she tell her?!... In the gloomy loneliness, she asked herself: “Is there a real love in life? Does a real love last forever?!”...








- to the musician Jirxhi from Gjirokastra -


The musician Rosa travelled a long distance. He took the bus from Gjirokastra to Tirana, then flew to Beograd and Prague. For business ? For the Party? Government bussiness? Private business? Emigration? On the occasion of the 80th Anniversary of the military conservatory, where he graduated, he had received an invitation. And how could the artists ignore this event? They scratched their heads and searched their pockets for money, and they scarcely made it. The spirit of the artist wanders throughout the world and cosmos. It kneels before God. “Who knows how many generations of musicians will be in the future” said Rosa to himself. Jirzhi had been one of the finest students from the conservatory in 90 years. Where is Marta now? Was she still alive? Certainly she was married like Rosa was. The big eyes moistened, and beyond the glasses clouded by tears appears KLĮVNI, NĮDRAZHI (the Central Station of the Train). Exactly 40 years before. Two young people stood out in a crowd, a brunette and a blonde. They huged and kissed their farewells. O golden age! Behold  Marta looks at her golden prince who is starring back at her from the train window. As the train moved away her heart sank:“Jirxhiii”! she cried out. NASKLEDANÓU (good bye) Jirxhiii!”... O seperation! It always makes us tearful.

If you sqweezed time, the sweetest periods are the moments of love. Now, 40 years have passed. Within the spirit of the composer was the memory of Marta and Jirzhi.  Would he probably meet her?!... “NaskeldanÓu Jirzhiii”! Hold, your heart!

Those who punish REAL LOVE  are executioners. They should be punished more than others. The true love has never been hindered by neither the walls of the yards, nor the frontiers of the blood feuds and the countries, nor the distance, nor the differences in races and faiths. Is there a barrier for the soul in the world?

The airplane landed  late at night in the airport HOLČSOVICE  at Prage. The grand city looked like a fairy tale. The travellers found a hotel. The next morning Jirzhi woke up quickly.  He noiselessly went out onto the balcony. Suddenly, an idea came to him. He tells his friends he is going for a walk and then he walks in the direction of Marta’s house. Many things have changed, but being led by familiar surroundings, he found it.  There was Marta’s house. His dilemma is it too early to knock ...Ah, this word 'what if'. What if  ... and what if... nothing would ever be accomplished. He hesitated. Aah, Rosa, Rosa! He waited for a moment and... the echo of a vague voice resounded: “NASKLEDANÓU Jirzhii”!...



Sadly, he returned to his friends in the hotel. At ten o’clock, there was a meeting. The travellers left together with their memories. Fifty gray-haired men were gathered in the assembly room. What about the former students? Each of them wondered about their colleagues and sought the others’ faces.  . There they were, all the professors from over eighty years. Yes, yes, they were all there. How emotional. “You,” said one of them, -“were the most lively of the school”. There was the  famous oboe teacher, Vóborzhill, who valued Rosa. Jirzhi, facing all those honorable teachers, kneeled and kissed their hands with tearful eyes. He spoke to the drummer. How could he forget the greatness of that school where he graduated a skilled musician. In Europe they say: Either Czech or musician. And who is that gray-haired man there? Yes, Yes, he was Myler. There is the other one, Farkash. When for a moment, another gray-haired man came closer to Jirzhi and asked him: “JČTO MŅZHNO?” (is it possible?) “Yes,”  said Jirzhi to him, “it is possible”. Embraces of friends, of talented musicians, embraces of people, with a heart full of love and melody.

O beautiful world of melodies! O enchanting world! O marvelous world, you touched every heart and burst into one great symphony.

That day each of them, looked back into their past and told of their lives over the past fourty years. Jirzhi had become successful as a sololist in clarionet, piano, saxophone, guitar, accordion, oboe and jongar in all the styles of music including classical, folk, popular and modern. In 40 years, as a highly respected musician, he travelled all over Europe including Kosovo, Macedonia, Greece, Italy, Romania,and  France.He dreamed of going to the Czech Republic but he never got there.

The other day, the gray-haired men headed toward the conservatory in the morning. The  musicians age, but not their compositions. They are the spirit and the spirit overrides time!

It was the 80th anniversary of this temple of  melodies, founded in 1923. It was located at the head of the town Raudnice nad Laben, about 15 kilometres from Prage, a castle-like building. Jirzhi and his friends, spent many hours there, they went into every classroom and touched everything with their hands, eyes and souls. They had come from Albania 40 years ago. Oh, they were overcome by nostalgia!...

The memories stabbed at  Jirxhi like a woodpecker. Beyond the river were fields of wildflowers and the bridge. There he had vivid memories of meeting Marta.  They met each-other by accident. The students of the conservatory were holding a concert at SMETĮNOJE SĢNJE hall in Prage at the time. There Marta saw him for the first time. A voice within her whispered: he is the pelican of your love. And she did not hesitate. She dared to meet him. After a week, she sent him a letter with her photo, but not like the letter of  Tatjana to Onjegin. She was then 18 and a student of medicine. An antimated blonde, it was obvious she would become a celebrated doctor. Jirzhi, the pelican from afar, was tall, with black hair and a pair of devouring eyes. As their meetings continued, Jirzhi always brought his guitar. In those beautiful fields accross the river, the colts frolicked. Sometimes they sang then made love; others times in more  pressing occasions, they made love then played the guitar. “O golden times! O hot hugs!... Martaa”! resounded the echo of his inner voice.

Once... eeh, what to say. Jirxhi slung the guitar and held on to Marta as they crossed the stream. Such tension in him let a fart slip. How much was the blessed thing heard. How embarrased he was. It is a big matter for us Albanians. Sometimes it is not so easily forgotten, that is why sometimes they say: “Since the time of the fart”. How ashamed was Jirxhi. Neither the guitar nor the sighs of love were heard. For one week he stayed confined in his room at the conservatory. He did not dare go out to meet Marta. He resisted her urgings. She was left alone like an orphan, none of the instruments did sing. What happened after all? Someone farted. It is something not to be worried about.

At last, the meetings resumed filled with music. In the moment of fiery passion, something pricked Jirxhi in his thumb. It was a small safety-pin. His finger bled. It upset Marta! Rosa cried: “One to one? How much did they laugh! Eeh, rosy stories...



The bus teeming with passengers was coming close to the conservatory. O hallowed place! There it was at the head of the town with  its newly repaired clock tower. Everything else outside appeared unchanged. The gray-haired men had decided to linger there sometime. If possible they would stay until dawn. Nostalgia of the students, nostalgia of the travellers, nostalgia of the artists. Nostalgia seemed like the raven of Edgar Allan Poe’s standing on a giant crystal teardrop which burned inside. How did they pass over 40 years?! Life like a sigh of the musical note SOL. The musicians are those who lay and stretch the pentagrams like holly; they make you live and forget about life. Yes, they decided to stay there until dawn. When the bus stopped and they got off, a voice boomed: STOOOP! Was it possible? The famous castle of melodies had passed away. The conservatory had become a military installation of NATO.





Some old men gathered around a table in a coffee-bar. They talked. One of them, insulted by his friend, said in a loud voice: “I did what I could do in life and left behind a good name, HYSEN HASANI. Who are you?” The other said slowly: “I am HASAN HYSENI”. However the debate, not fueled by raki, was heated. Do you think think the coffee jangled their nerves? “Go on. You insult me, what else,”said Hysen Hasani,  “I have a golden soul, sirrah, a golden soul.” “Do not raise your voice. Any burglar might hear and stea it,” said HASAN HYSENI  laughingly. SHEMJA interfered: “Tell me what is the value of boastings, you guys? You know that by now that the nose has two illnesses: that of inquisitiveness, from which women suffer greatest; of  pride which men suffer. The nose gets in the way of its owner,  and others. Do not become like Coli, who incites people through his writings in the MEDIA, with some lies with tail, with some lies with tail and ear and some with horns. TROUBLEMAKERS ( MEDIA) eat that kind of food that is the nature of their business. We have been wonderful men. Now we are humpbacked children, quarrelsome, and with dentures and diapers. We are of the age of turtles and snails. At this age we can do none of the professions, such as KIDNAPING, BRIBE-TAKING, REVENGE, BLOOD FEUD, SELLING  OF  HONOR, SELLING OF THE  ORGANS, SELLING OF MAN, SELLING OF  STATE, SELLING OF NATION, SELLING  OF  SELF. Heu, how much has the ‘mjerėzia’ misfortune (njerėzia, humanity)has progressed! Oh, you guys! This fate was written for us. The present smells of GUNPOWDER, the OLD AGE of SHIT”.







Agron was a phenomenal person – a schoolboy in the seconday school. He came from another region. This outsider had a gift of gab and seemed to possess an insight and ripeness that surpassed his age. His  humour was original and spontaneous. I admired  his  zeal, capacity and aligity. I taught him languages.  I remember when we had a lesson about conjugating verbs. The bell was going to ring in a few minutes. Agron had raised his hand. I asked him: Agron, what’s the matter? He stood up slowly and said: “Professor, the truth is conjugations (oppression, elections) are not that simple. The begining is: I, you, he and not he, you, I. I shall conjugate the verbs in the present tense.


Present tense:

I fish                                We feast

You do not work           You languish

He cheats                      They win

She  prostitutes                   They curse


“Thank  you, ” and he sat down. The class laughed. The bell rang. I cried:  “Agron, I scold you,” and let it pass. I wrote in the diary all the details of what happened.


Actually, Agron is a student of technology in Firenze, Italy. I do not know whether he remembers the conjugation of the verb in THE PRESENT TENSE.  The school was closed and I remained jobless. In this respect I used the  lifeboat of the emigrant. I worked as a ‘waiter’ of  mortar for four years. I specialized in this science, but I had an accident and  returned. I am jobless. I always remember the conjugation of the verb in THE PRESENT TENSE. The difference is in the first person singular: I LANGUISH.




I am and Here I am



- To Saliko. Who knew him,  knew how he  was -


- Long live this heavenly state, may the LOANS gush forever and turn a beggar into a king. May you live long, you guys! Go on guys!... In that moment he joined others in song:


oh to drink, oh to drink

Oh to drink beer and Raki

oh to stuff ourselves

with meat and fish



It was the year 1995. Some sober gentlemen were gathered in a crowd and were passing their time at leisure. The firms, believed benevolent by the people, were actually conniving to become an automatic money machine.

Oh comrade, Mr. Medi! Dare you say this is not a big-hearted time. Here we are sitting around the same table, I the persecuted of yesterday and you the representative of the powers, who came down from the black fig tree and up to the white  one.

- Listen, Mr. Qerim, - said Medi to him. – If you were not punished, you would not have been an enemy of the state. If it weren’t for me and my friends who played the game, you would have never reached these lucky days. You must thank me twice.

- God bless you, oh my friend. You killed me with the empty pistol of Veliko.

Cheers,... cheers,... cheers,... Clinking of glasses, laughing in vain, toasts,... As soon as the joyful voices quieted down, someone asked:

-              Oh, Mr. Qerim! We saw the exchange of fire before us. What was that empty pistol of Veliko which killed you? This I did not understand.

-              You’re right, Laēo. There’s still dung on your shoes from the village. You used to wear the old jacket of the farmers. Now you wear a suit of the boss. A wedding took place here 15 years ago. A guest warmed by drinking boasted to the head of the groom’s family. “Ee Veliko Shkėmbi, as long as you were a partisan, you  followed me in order to kill me, but ‘you shaved my ass’ .  Here we are related ... you, the Communist and me, the persecuted. Veliko answered immediately: “If I did not kill you then, I’ll kill you now”. He pulled the pistol out of his sash and shot four times.

-              To drink, - one said – in the memory of the persecuted one. Thank God the regime of  'Velikos' is over. These great days like a feast in a dream are here. Cheers!

Once again cheers,... cheers: Clinking the glasses in brave toasts...

-              Sirrah, - said one of them, is Veliko out of jail. He should be regarded as a presecuted man by the system.

-              He died in 1992, - said another who knew the business better. In his will he asked that “Veliko Shkėmbi – PARTISAN” be written on his tombstone. What a headstrong man.


He used to be known at the begining of the war as an assasin or, as it is called today, a terrorist. Some set traps for him but he did not fall prey. One day, a spy surprised him and shot him twice in the head. One of the bullets ricocheted and poked out the eye of a passerby. Veliko, sprawled on the ground, turned over, took the pistol out and shot the spy. The Spy, or as he is known now as  martyr of democracy, was felled by the bullet. Veliko Shkėmbi handled the pistol as if he were born with it in his hand. His nephews take after him.


At the door of the cafeteria  two robust males arrived. – Here they are, the twins, whispered one of the gentlemen. – Together in the meetings and together in the tavern,  a solid friendship formed out of those associations. Bosom buddies, said the man next to him.     The wife of the curly haired man , is the girlfriend of the man with the straight hair.

-              What do the nephews of Velo look like? – asked the gentleman to the crowd. But no one replied.

-              Yeh, what do they look like? – shouted another impatient man, unable to swallow raki until he got the answer.

Someone began to sing slowly in a dragging fashion that old song of Sanie. As soon as the sigh of the first verse ended, an insistent man asked:

-              Oh, Mr. comrade, o comrade bossman! May you live long, o friend, but you did not tell us who or where they are. I have heard, that Veliko Shkėmbi had no sons.

At that moment, a man in his thirties, took a gun out of his belt and shot four times in the air. The brave men of the beano pissed in their pants. Laughingly he said:

-              I AM HERE, I am one of the nephews of  Veliko the PARTISAN.


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